Smart phones

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Humanality club members at Franciscan University.

The Humanality movement: ‘creating new rituals’ to use technology ‘with intention’

Jun 9, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

Humanality, founded in 2023, is helping people discover freedom through an intentional relationship with technology. Read more

Franciscan Univesity of Steubenville students who participated in the Unplugged Scholarship in its first year (from left to right): Theresa Ryan, Grace Pollock, and Paul Merkel

These Catholic college students dumped their smartphones for the year. Here’s what happened

May 7, 2023

By Joe Bukuras

Three students from Franciscan University of Steubenville share what it was like to participate in the Unplugged Scholarship this academic... Read more

Pope Francis during his general audience in Paul VI Hall on January 26, 2022.

Pope Francis’ Lenten message: Addiction to digital media can hurt human relationships

Feb 24, 2022

By Courtney Mares

"May the corporal fasting to which Lent calls us fortify our spirit for the battle against sin,” Pope Francis said. Read more

A website and smartphone app to help Catholics pray for the synod on synodality was launched Oct. 19, 2021.

Vatican launches prayer website ‘to accompany’ Synod on Synodality

Oct 20, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

The app Click To Pray will also promote prayer for the synodal process. Read more

Pope Francis joins a selfie in Paul VI Hall on April 30, 2015.

Pope’s app 'Click to Pray' connects Catholics to a smartphone prayer network

Jan 20, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis launched an app Sunday called  “Click to Pray,” which connects Catholics to a global network to share prayer... Read more

Study suggests teenage girls don't have tools to navigate pressure to sext

Jan 27, 2018

In a recent study, teenage girls were found to feel powerless when asked for a nude image of themselves from... Read more