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Our Lady of Guadalupe.

A crash course in Miracles 101

Dec 15, 2017

By Mary Farrow

What do a grilled cheese sandwich and the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe have in common?  Read more

Sor Maria.

Did this Spanish nun bi-locate to Texas? Vatican aims to find out

Sep 14, 2017

By Mary Farrow

 In the 1620s, while the pilgrims were landing on Plymouth Rock and having the first Thanksgiving, the Jumano tribe in... Read more

Mother Teresa in 1981.

'I was sure that it was Mother Teresa who healed me'

Sep 5, 2017

By Elise Harris

The Brazilian man who received the miracle allowing for Mother Teresa’s canonization says that he and his wife were ordinary believers... Read more

Nino Martin Chain. Courtesy of Florencia Nunez.

Doctors say it's a miracle that toddler survived ninth-floor fall

Jul 2, 2017

The doctors at the Children's Hospital in San Miguel, Argentina, find no explanation for the quick recovery of Martin Chain... Read more

St. Charbel. Public Domain, Wikipedia.

Phoenix mother: St. Charbel cured my blindness

Mar 29, 2017

When a Phoenix mother lost her eyesight due to a rare medical condition, she feared she would never be able... Read more

'It's a miracle': Woman survives devastating mudslide in Peru

Mar 20, 2017

Evangelina Chamorro was swept away for over a third of a mile by an avalanche of mud on the coast... Read more

Ven. Margaret Sinclair.

Priest attributes 'miraculous' healing to Venerable Margaret Sinclair

Feb 8, 2017

A Glasgow priest says he firmly believes he survived a recent near-fatal health scare thanks to the miraculous intercession of... Read more

Babies holding hands.

The story of Rowen and Blake: Twins who cuddled to stay alive

Feb 3, 2017

When newlyweds Charlie and Hayley Lampshire from Oxfordshire, England found out they were pregnant with twins in 2015, they couldn't... Read more

Mary Mediatrix of All Grace.

The curious case of the Lipa Marian apparitions

Dec 28, 2016

By Mary Farrow

The story of Sister Teresita Castillo and the supposed Marian apparitions of Lipa City, Philippines reads something like a mystery... Read more

Film on miracles intends to explain the inexplicable

Dec 20, 2016

For both skeptics and believers, miracles have captivated people’s attention for thousands of years.  Read more


That time Jesus appeared in the sky of Mexico

Oct 12, 2016

On Sunday, Oct. 3, 1847, more than 2,000 people in Ocotlán, Mexico saw a perfect image of Jesus Christ crucified... Read more

Statue of Padre Pio.

The modern – and little known – miracles of Padre Pio

Sep 22, 2016

By Elise Harris

Known around the globe as simply “Padre Pio,” Saint Pio of Pietrelcina has been called one of the “most active”... Read more

Pope Francis.

The mathematics of mercy – Pope Francis sees a lesson in Jesus' miracles

Aug 17, 2016

Jesus’ miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes is a lesson for us all, Pope Francis said Wednesday.    Read more

The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Fresno that allegedly produces tears. Photo courtesy of Joe Ybarra.

Mary statue in California appears to weep miraculous tears

May 11, 2016

By Mary Farrow

A statue of the Virgin Mary in Fresno, Calif. appears to be weeping miraculous tears, according to witnesses.  Read more

A tapestry of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, hanging in St. Peters Square Oct. 16, 2015, in preparation for their canonization on Sunday.

The miracle behind the canonization of the parents of St Therese of Lisieux

Oct 17, 2015

By CNA Staff

Seven-year-old Carmen has an extraordinary story. Because of her Blessed Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin, the parents of Saint Therese... Read more

Solar halo at Beatification Mass for Archbishop Oscar Romero in San Salvador, El Salvador on May 23, 2015.

A supernatural sign? Rare solar halo appears at Romero beatification

Jun 1, 2015

By Elise Harris

As the relics of Blessed Oscar Romero were brought out for veneration during his beatification Mass in San Salvador, the... Read more

Pope Francis and Cardinal Sepe hold relic of St. Januarius' blood in Naples cathedral March 21, 2015.

Saint's relic with miraculous tendencies does it again for Pope Francis

Mar 21, 2015

While Pope Francis was giving some advice to the religious, priests and seminarians of Naples on Saturday, a miracle occurred:... Read more

Tomb of Blessed John Paul II.

Woman cured by John Paul II bringing suitcase of prayers to Rome

Apr 23, 2014

Floribeth Mora, the 50-year-old Costa Rican woman whose miraculous healing paved the way for the canonization of John Paul II,... Read more

Servant of God Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

Vatican panel approves Archbishop Fulton Sheen miracle

Mar 6, 2014

The Bishop of Peoria has rejoiced at a Vatican medical panel’s unanimous approval of a reported miracle attributed to the... Read more