Catholic Schools

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Conscience rights for DC religious schools threatened by city vote

Dec 10, 2014

By Matt Hadro

The Washington D.C. city council has stripped religious schools of legal protection against certain discrimination lawsuits, voting unanimously to repeal... Read more

Minority presence in Catholic schools is a win-win, bishops say

Nov 11, 2014

Stressing the value of Catholic schools, leaders of the U.S. bishops called for greater outreach to underserved communities, to help... Read more

New York Catholics angered over financial hit to students

Jun 25, 2014

Local Catholics are lamenting New York state legislators' move to deny a tax credit that would boost funding to create... Read more

 Haylee McArthur speaks with CNA June 11, 2014.

Catholic high school's first graduates celebrate in Rome

Jun 12, 2014

By Elise Harris

The first graduating class of the U.S.-based John Paul II Catholic High School celebrated by making a pilgrimage to Rome... Read more

Furor over Ohio school contracts dismissed as overblown

May 29, 2014

By Carl Bunderson

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati says criticism of its updated school contracts for teachers amounts to hype from third parties, noting... Read more

Arizona State University.

Priest lauds Catholic class offerings at largest state school

Mar 13, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Arizona State University's partnership with a Catholic college providing theology courses to students won praise from scholar Father Robert Spitzer... Read more

Students at St. Peter's School in Washington, D.C. make breakfast bags for the homeless.

Student-led project gives breakfast to 1,500 at homeless shelters

Mar 2, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

Students at St. Peter’s School in Washington, D.C., led a recent project to assemble 1,500 bagged breakfasts for those seeking... Read more

Rural school embraces classical education, Catholic identity

Feb 4, 2014

By Carl Bunderson

A Catholic grade school on Colorado's eastern plains is working to adopt a classical curriculum, in the hopes of revitalizing... Read more

Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) meets with administrators from a local Catholic school. Photo courtesy of Rep. Lipinski's office.

Rep. Lipinski recognizes Catholic Schools Week with resolution

Feb 2, 2014

In honor of Catholic Schools Week, U.S. Congressman Dan Lipinski (D- Ill.) introduced a House resolution commending Catholic schools for... Read more

Fidelity urged amid Seattle school's 'gay marriage' controversy

Jan 15, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Controversy over a Seattle-area Catholic school’s treatment of employees who contract same-sex “marriages” is being described as a chance for... Read more

Empty classroom.

Scottish official rejects sex ed guidelines for Catholic schools

Jan 15, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

A Scottish Catholic education leader is “confident” the government’s proposal for sex education in Catholic schools regarding contraception and homosexual... Read more


Vatican encourages renewed missionary zeal in Catholic schools

Dec 26, 2013

A recently released Vatican document is calling for a fresh commitment to Catholic identity within what it calls an increasingly... Read more

The Latin class at St. Cecilia's High School in Hastings, Nebraska plays a Latin speaking game.

Neb. priest, students engage in Latin through conversation

Dec 20, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Father Joseph Faulkner, a priest of the Lincoln diocese, is teaching Latin to his high school students by actually speaking... Read more

Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans.

New Orleans schools adjust schedules to keep Sunday sacred

Sep 29, 2013

A new policy for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New Orleans aims to reclaim Sunday as a day focused... Read more


Despite remaining challenges, DC Catholic schools improved

Sep 17, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

A new report on Catholic education in the Washington archdiocese shows significant gains, particularly in funding, in recent years, though... Read more

Catholic educators symposium Thailand 2013.

Thai bishops stress Catholic identity, top academics in schools

Aug 27, 2013

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand is calling for renewed effort to boost Catholic education in the country, striving to... Read more

Opponents charge Calif. abuse bill targets Catholic schools

Jun 12, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

Critics say a proposed Calif. bill lifting the statute of limitations on some child sex abuse lawsuits threatens the Catholic... Read more

Despite lawsuit, Ohio archdiocese keeps teacher morality clause

Jun 6, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

Although the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has been ordered to pay $171,000 to a school teacher fired for undergoing artificial insemination,... Read more

St. Joseph's Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio.

Diocese affirms need for Catholic fidelity after teacher fired

Apr 26, 2013

Following controversy over the firing of a Catholic school gym teacher who was in a homosexual relationship, the Diocese of... Read more

Students from St. Louis Catholic School in Alexandria, VA learn about the Papal Conclave by creating their own. Photos courtesy of St. Louis Catholic School.

Mock conclave teaches Catholic students about faith

Mar 7, 2013

The principal at a Virginia Catholic grade school said he hopes an elaborate mock conclave recently held by students and... Read more