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Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of Synod of Bishops.

Cardinal Grech: Synodality is not a ‘fad’ of the pope

Jul 22, 2021

By CNA Staff

He said that synodality is “the form and style of the early Church.” Read more

Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, president of the Italian bishops’ conference, at a press conference in Bari, Italy, on Jan. 22, 2020.

Italian cardinal: Our synodal journey will not be like Germany’s

May 28, 2021

By Courtney Mares

Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti said: “I believe that the basic problems of our people are quite different.” Read more

Pope Francis delivers Laudato si' video message May 24, 2021

Pope Francis launches 7-year Laudato si’ action plan

May 25, 2021

By Courtney Mares

The Laudato si’ Action Platform will focus on seven sectors: families, parishes, schools, hospitals, businesses, organizations, and religious orders. Read more

Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Vatican cardinal: Synodality is a vital tool in Catholic-Orthodox dialogue

Jan 19, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Strengthening synodality is “the most important contribution” the Catholic Church can make to ecumenical dialogue, especially dialogue with the Orthodox,... Read more

Participants in the Vatican Synod Hall during the Synod on the Family in Oct. 2014.

Pope Francis announces a Synod on Synodality for the Catholic Church

Mar 7, 2020

By Courtney Mares

The next ordinary Synod of Bishops will be a synod on synodality, the Vatican announced March 7. Read more

Pope Francis greets Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria, who as prefect of the CDF, leads the International Theological Commission.

Pope Francis: Synodality is what the Lord expects of the Church

Nov 29, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis told the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s theological commission Friday that synodality will be key for... Read more

A wooden cross in the rainforest. Stock photo via Shutterstock.

Church must convert from cultural, ecological sins, Amazon synod concludes

Oct 26, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus, Courtney Mares

The Amazon synod final document, published Saturday, laid out the need to define “ecological sins” while calling the Church to... Read more

Fr. Giacomoo Costa, S.J., communications secretary for the Amazon synod, speaks during a press briefing at the Holy See press office, Oct. 23, 2019.

Amazon synod final report an 'instrument', communications official says

Oct 23, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

As the Amazon synod nears a close, a communications official downplayed Wednesday the importance of the assembly’s final report, saying... Read more

Pope Francis speaks at the general audience Oct. 23, 2019.

Pope Francis: Synodality brought pagans to 'reject idolatry'

Oct 23, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that the first Christian evangelization of the pagans opened up “a very lively controversy” as the... Read more

Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa.

‘Useless to pretend’: Vatican official dismisses German ‘binding synodal path’

Oct 11, 2019

A senior legal official in the Vatican has dismissed the idea that a planned “synodal process” in Germany will be... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx at the German Bishops' Press Conference at the Pontifical Teutonic College on October 5, 2015.

German synod plans to be vetted by controversial lay group, not Vatican

Sep 27, 2019

By Ed Condon

The plan for a “binding synodal process” recently approved by the German bishops will be sent to a controversial lay... Read more

Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg.

German bishops vote to adopt statutes for Synodal Assembly

Sep 25, 2019

By Ed Condon

The bishops of Germany have voted to adopt a set of statutes for their long-planned “Synodal Assembly.” The decision was... Read more

Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, Apostolic Nuncio to Germany.

Germany’s nuncio encourages attention and fidelity to Pope Francis

Sep 24, 2019

Archbishop Nicola Eterovic reiterated the appeal of Pope Francis to the bishops that they focus on evangelization and maintain unity... Read more

Cardinal Rainer Woelki arrives at the Vatican on March 5, 2013.

'Take the pope very seriously!' Cardinal Woelki tells German bishops

Sep 24, 2019

The Church in Germany must revise its synodal plans in line with the pope’s leadership and the universal Church, Cardinal... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, during a press conference in Rome, 24 Feb, 2019.

After Cardinal Marx visits Vatican, Germany's 'synodal way' up for bishops' vote

Sep 23, 2019

By Ed Condon

The German bishops are set this week to vote upon statutes for a “binding synodal process,” days after Cardinal Reinhard... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx at the German Bishops' Press Conference at the Pontifical Teutonic College on October 5, 2015.

Cardinal Marx holds 'constructive dialogue' with Pope Francis on synodal plans

Sep 20, 2019

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German Episcopal Conference, has held talks with Pope Francis and Cardinal Marc Ouellet about German plans... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx at the Holy See Press Office on February 15, 2017.

Analysis: Cardinal Marx’s next step on the German synodal path

Sep 18, 2019

By Ed Condon

The German bishops seem poised to press ahead with plans for a “synodal assembly,” despite criticism of the plan from... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx at the Vatican Press Office on Oct. 17, 2014.

Marx says German 'synod' will proceed despite Vatican objections

Sep 16, 2019

By Ed Condon

Cardinal Marx has informed the Vatican that the German synodal process will continue as planned, despite recent instructions from the curia... Read more

Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

Vatican: German synod plans ‘not ecclesiologically valid’

Sep 12, 2019

By Ed Condon

In a letter sent to German bishops last week, the Vatican has said that plans for a binding Church synod... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising and Cardinal Rainer Woelki of Cologne.

German bishops rejected plan for Francis-style ‘Priority of Evangelization’ in synodal path

Sep 10, 2019

By Ed Condon

The German bishops have rejected an alternative proposal for a synodal process centered on the “priority of evangelization” called for... Read more