Human rights

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United Nations Offices in Geneva, Switzerland, home of the UNHRC.

Addition of Cuba, China, Russia to UN Human Rights Council draws criticism

Oct 15, 2020

A human rights group in Cuba criticized the election of China, Cuba, and Russia to the UN Human Rights Council,... Read more

Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations. Courtesy photo.

Vatican tells UN it is ‘deeply concerned’ by push to ‘reinterpret' foundations of human rights

Oct 7, 2020

A Vatican representative told the United Nations Tuesday that the Holy See was “deeply concerned” by moves “to reinterpret the... Read more

The flag of Cameroon.

English Catholic bishops lament attacks on civilians in Cameroon

Sep 29, 2020

Catholic bishops in England appealed Monday for an end to human rights abuses in Cameroon.   Read more

US Department of Homeland Security seal.

Mexico investigating alleged ICE detainee hysterectomies

Sep 23, 2020

Mexico is investigating reports that at least six of its nationals were among women in US immigration custody on whom... Read more

The flag of Vatican City.

Vatican calls for 'peaceful and just resolution' of Belarus crisis

Sep 21, 2020

By Courtney Mares

After President Alexander Lukashenko announced that he was putting troops on high alert and closing Belarus’ borders, a Vatican diplomat... Read more

Department of Homeland Security Seal.

'Expedited' investigation ordered over alleged ICE detainee hysterectomies

Sep 17, 2020

By Matt Hadro

The acting director of U.S. immigration services has ordered an expedited investigation into allegations that hysterectomies were performed on immigrant women in federal... Read more

Cardboard boxes with text made in China and Chinese flag.

US moves to block imports made in China concentration camps

Sep 15, 2020

The Department of Homeland Security has moved to block the import of products made with forced labor in detention camps... Read more

Pope Francis delivers his general audience via livestream on Aug. 12, 2020.

Pope Francis: Human dignity has serious political implications

Aug 12, 2020

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that Christian faith demands conversion from individualism and a commitment to defending the inherent dignity of... Read more

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Press North Korea more on human rights, less on denuclearization says federal commission

Jul 9, 2020

A federal commission is calling on the U.S. to push for greater respect for human rights in North Korea, in... Read more

Stock image via Shutterstock

‘An affront to human dignity’: Ethicists react to death of Michael Hickson

Jul 1, 2020

By Christine Rousselle

Ethicists and disability rights activists have expressed grave concerns over reports of the recent death of Michael Hickson, a black... Read more

President Donald Trump at the White House, 2018.

Analysis: What is the Trump administration doing about the Uyghurs?

Jun 30, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Trump faces growing criticism for not financially sanctioning senior Chinese officials responsible for what the Congressional China Commission says may... Read more

People light candles as they attend a vigil in Victoria Park in Hong Kong on June 4, 2020.

In Hong Kong, thousands defy police to mark Tiananmen Square

Jun 4, 2020

Thousands of protesters in Hong Kong held public vigils for the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre on Thursday, despite... Read more

US Secretary of State Michael Mike Pompeo.

State Department releases annual human rights report

Mar 12, 2020

The State Department released its annual human rights report on Wednesday, offering the administration’s summary of the situation in nearly... Read more

Tehran skyline with flag.

Vatican delegation in Iran discuss human rights with Muslim leaders

Nov 15, 2019

By Courtney Mares

A Vatican delegation traveled to Tehran this week to discuss opportunities for Catholics and Muslims to serve humanity together.  Read more

United Nations Offices in Geneva, Switzerland, home of the UNHRC.

UN set to elect slave state to human rights council

Oct 16, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

Mauritania, the west African nation where slavery remains a widespread practice, is expected to be voted on to the United... Read more

Middlesex Guildhall, Westminster, home of the UK Supreme Court. Via Shutterstock

Forced abortion judge ignored family, human rights, appeal court finds

Jul 12, 2019

Courts in the United Kingdom have released the text of judicial decisions in the case of a disabled woman orginally... Read more

A blue flag with the official seal of the U.S. government flies over the headquarters of the Department of State in Foggy Bottom. Via Shutterstock

New commission will give 'critical attention' to human rights, experts say

Jul 12, 2019

By Matt Hadro

International human rights experts have praised the creation of a State Department advisory body on human rights, calling it a... Read more

UK Health Secretary Matthew Hancock. Image via Shutterstock

Forced abortion decision overturned on appeal, according to reports

Jun 24, 2019

Thousands of people have signed a petition urging U.K. Health and Social Care Secretary Matthew Hancock to stop a forced... Read more

The Royal Courts of Justice, London. Editorial

UK court orders forced abortion for disabled woman

Jun 21, 2019

A British judge has authorized doctors to perform an abortion on a pregnant Catholic woman with developmental disabilities and a... Read more

United Nations headquarters in New York City. Via Shutterstock

Pro-life laws are ‘extremist hate,’ UN official says

Jun 4, 2019

Efforts to restrict abortion in the U.S. have drawn strong denunciations from a senior United Nations official, who called recent pro-life... Read more