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Mark Kretschmer, vice president for operations at Thomas Aquinas College (TAC), pictured with Thomas Kaiser, a biologist and researcher, and Lawerence Youngblood, an electrical engineer and director of Brompton Energy.

Thomas Aquinas College goes off the grid with green power plan

May 16, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

The Catholic college launched an energy program that has nearly eliminated the college’s carbon footprint while saving $600,000 a year. Read more

Solar panels on the affordable housing Bishop Valero Residence in Astoria, Queens.

‘Love of neighbor at a global scale’: Dioceses launch faith-driven environmental programs

May 6, 2024

By Daniel Payne

As part of the Pope Francis-led effort to make ecological care a priority for the global Church, dioceses across the... Read more

Pope Francis at his general audience on Nov. 22, 2023.

Pope Francis signs interfaith climate statement as part of COP28 summit in Dubai

Dec 4, 2023

By Daniel Payne

“Our faith instills in us a sacred duty to cherish not only our human family but also the fragile ecosystem... Read more

Pope Francis received President-Designate of COP28 UAE Dr. Sultan Al Jaber on Oct. 11, 2023, at the Vatican.

Vatican releases schedule for Pope Francis’ trip to Dubai in December

Nov 9, 2023

By Courtney Mares

The pope will visit the United Arab Emirates’ most populous city Dec. 1–3 where he will give a speech and... Read more

COP28 logo.

Vatican joins interfaith declaration on fighting climate change

Nov 8, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Holy See has signed an interfaith declaration on taking action to protect the environment during a religious summit held... Read more

Pope Francis meets with Latin American university rectors on Sept. 21, 2023, at the Vatican.

Pope Francis’ next environmental document to be called ‘Laudate Deum’

Sep 26, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis’ new document on the environment will be, he said, “a look at what has happened and say what... Read more

This picture taken on Jan. 16, 2022, shows a man watching smoke hanging over houses on a polluted day in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.

Pope Francis to visit one of the world’s most polluted capitals this week

Aug 28, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis is likely to make “care for our common home” a key theme of his Mongolian trip this week... Read more

Pope Francis presides over a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on July 23, 2023, for the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.

Pope Francis writing a second environmental document after Laudato Si’

Aug 21, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

The pope said with this new writing he is updating Laudato Si’ to cover current issues. Read more


Jesuit university divests from fossil fuels after a six-year process

Aug 10, 2023

By Daniel Payne

Jesuit-run Seattle University said last month that it had fully “scrubbed its endowment portfolio of fossil fuel investments.” Read more

Cardinal Michael Czerny.

Catholic universities should do more to respond to environmental issues, Vatican cardinal says

Mar 13, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

Cardinal Michael Czerny called for universities to provide a “concrete, visionary, and courageous response” to the problem of environmental destruction.  Read more

Pope Francis speaking in St. Peter's Basilica on June 5, 2022.

Pope Francis: The poor suffer the most from heat waves, drought

Jul 21, 2022

By Courtney Mares

As Europe faces record high temperatures and summer wildfires, Pope Francis has pointed out that the poor suffer the most... Read more


U.S. bishops disappointed by Supreme Court's climate regulation ruling

Jul 1, 2022

By CNA Staff

The U.S. bishops said Friday they are disappointed by a Supreme Court ruling which limits the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability... Read more

The 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) logo displayed on a smartphone.

Vatican calls for ‘clear roadmap’ as climate summit enters final stretch

Nov 11, 2021

By CNA Staff

The Vatican said that ‘various gaps’ had emerged at COP26 in Scotland. Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Rome campus of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Nov. 5, 2021.

Pope Francis: Care for creation is one of the ‘great moral issues of our time’

Nov 11, 2021

By Courtney Mares

The pope said he regretting not being able to attend the UN climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Read more

Pope Francis, pictured on April 17, 2013.

Pope Francis to COP26: ‘Now is the time to act, urgently, courageously, and responsibly’

Nov 2, 2021

By CNA Staff

The pope said he had hoped to attend the meeting, but it ‘was not possible.’ Read more

Pope Francis reads his message broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Oct. 29, 2021.

In BBC message, Pope Francis says UN climate summit must offer ‘effective responses’ to ecological crisis

Oct 29, 2021

By CNA Staff

It is the first time Pope Francis has recorded a special message for the BBC Read more

Pope Francis’ general audience in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Oct. 20, 2021.

Pope Francis asks Catholics to be ‘more courageous’ in tackling crisis exposed by COVID-19

Oct 22, 2021

By CNA Staff

‘We cannot resign ourselves and sit back and watch,’ he said. Read more

Patriarch Bartholomew I, Pope Francis, and UNESCO’s Audrey Azoulay at Rome’s Pontifical Lateran University, Oct. 7, 2021.

Pope Francis launches ecology degree course at pontifical university

Oct 7, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

The course was created with the Ecumenical Patriarch’s cooperation. Read more

Pope Francis sends a video message to participants in Youth4Climate event in Milan, Italy, Sept. 29, 2021.

Pope Francis to young climate activists: ‘Technical and political solutions are not enough’

Sep 29, 2021

By CNA Staff

The pope sent a video message to the Youth4Climate event in Milan, Italy. Read more