Synod on Synodality Updates and Latest News

The Synod on Synodality, initiated by Pope Francis in October 2021, is a multiyear process initiated by Pope Francis to enhance the communion, participation, and mission of the Church. The Catholic Church’s massive synodal process has already undergone diocesan, national, and continental stages. It culminates in two global assemblies at the Vatican. The first monthlong session of the Synod on Synodality, concluded on Oct. 29, 2023, with the finalization of a 42-page synthesis report. The October 2024 session is expected to produce a final report, which will be presented to Pope Francis for his consideration in issuing any related teaching.

The Latest

Synod delegates listen to presentations at the European Continental Assembly in Prague on Feb. 7, 2023.

European Catholics debate final outcome of Synod on Synodality assembly in Prague

Feb 9, 2023

By Courtney Mares

European Catholics debated Thursday the contents of a final document that will influence the discussions of the Synod of Bishops... Read more

Four cardinals, 45 bishops, and 80 priests concelebrated Mass Feb. 8, 2023, under the high vaulted ceiling of Prague’s St. Vitus Cathedral with about 500 people in attendance. The Mass marked the midway point of the European Continental Assembly meeting in Prague Feb. 5-12, 2023.

Cardinal Grech at European assembly: ‘The synod is not there to destroy Catholic identity’

Feb 9, 2023

By Courtney Mares

In a homily in Prague Feb. 9, Grech noted that some have wrongly understood the synod as “a battle of... Read more

Irme Stetter-Karp, president of the Central Committee of German Catholics.

Germany’s Synodal Way leaders push women’s ordination during European bishops’ synodal assembly

Feb 8, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Irme Stetter-Karp, the president of the lay Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), addressed delegates in the meeting in Prague... Read more

Synod on Synodality logo

Synod on Synodality: Europe’s Continental Assembly in Prague discusses tensions in the Church

Feb 7, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Two hundred delegates are meeting this week in the capital of the Czech Republic for the last stage of regional... Read more

Materials from the Synodal Final Assembly in Spain.

Spanish bishops lament low participation in Synod on Synodality, especially by young people

Jan 31, 2023

By CNA Staff

The Spanish Bishops’ Conference has presented the Synthesis for the European Continental Stage of the Synod on Synodality. Read more

Bishop Georg Bätzing, chairman of the German bishops’ conference, meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican, June 24, 2021.

German bishops’ president rebukes Pope Francis for criticism of Synodal Way 

Jan 30, 2023

By AC Wimmer

Bishop Georg Bätzing says the Germans have “fundamentally different views of synodality” than Rome.  Read more

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, archbishop of Luxembourg, (left) and Cardinal Mario Grech, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops

Synod organizers tell Continental Assemblies not to ‘impose an agenda’ on discussions

Jan 30, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich stressed that the Synod of Bishops is not meant “to address all... Read more

Cardinal Reinhard Marx and fellow bishops from Germany meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, Nov. 17, 2022

Pope Francis decries German Synodal Way as ‘neither helpful nor serious’

Jan 25, 2023

By AC Wimmer

In an interview published Wednesday, Pope Francis decried the German Synodal Way as elitist and running the risk of bringing... Read more

Fr. Timothy Radcliffe addressing the bishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales

Controversial Dominican priest to lead October retreat for bishops at start of synod

Jan 23, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Father Timothy Radcliffe, whose statements on homosexuality have previously sparked controversy, will lead a three-day retreat to kick off the... Read more

Cardinal Joseph Zen, former bishop of Hong Hong, attends the funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Jan. 5, 2023, in St. Peter's Square.

Cardinal Zen ‘very concerned’ about Synod on Synodality

Jan 17, 2023

By Courtney Mares

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Giornale published on Jan. 17, Zen said that he hopes that the... Read more

Pope Francis delivers his Angelus address in St. Peter's Square on Jan. 15, 2023.

Pope Francis announces ecumenical prayer service, reflects on St. John the Baptist’s ‘spirit of service’

Jan 15, 2023

By Courtney Mares

An ecumenical prayer vigil will take place in St. Peter’s Square as part of the Church’s ongoing Synod on Synodality. Read more

The Council of Cardinals meets with Pope Francis on Feb. 21, 2022.

Pope’s cardinal advisers discuss Church’s efforts to prevent abuse

Dec 7, 2022

By Courtney Mares

The Holy See press office said Dec. 7 that the pope met with his council of advisers for a two-day... Read more

Theologian Monsignor Piero Coda speaks during an Oct. 27, 2022, press conference at the Vatican to present a working document of the Synod on Synodality.

Synodality text calling for ‘radical inclusion’ praised at Vatican event

Oct 27, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Holy Spirit is at work in the latest document of the Synod on Synodality, presenters said Thursday at a... Read more

The opening day of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican Synod Hall on Oct. 3, 2018.

What does the synod document say about ordination of women, LGBTQ issues, and the liturgy?

Oct 27, 2022

By Courtney Mares

At the heart of the synodal process is “a Church capable of radical inclusion,” according to a key document released... Read more

The Synod of Bishop at the Vatican, Oct. 5, 2018.

Synod on Synodality: Vatican reveals framework for next stage of discussions

Oct 27, 2022

By Courtney Mares, Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican revealed on Thursday the outline that will guide the next stage of discussions in the Synod on Synodality. Read more

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, S.J., speaking at the press conference in the Vatican on Aug. 26, 2022.

Cardinal Hollerich: Without Vatican II, ‘the Church today would be a small sect’

Oct 18, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the relator general of the Synod on Synodality, has said that he is convinced that the Second... Read more

Pope Francis delivered his Angelus address on Sept. 18, 2022.

Pope Francis announces decision to extend Synod on Synodality to 2024

Oct 16, 2022

By Courtney Mares

The pope explained that he made the decision to provide more time for discernment. Read more

The opening of the Synod for the Family at the Vatican on Oct. 5, 2015.

Vatican’s Synod on Synodality organizers say synod is ‘fruit’ of Second Vatican Council

Oct 10, 2022

By AC Wimmer

In a message marking the 60th anniversary of Vatican II’s opening, the general secretariat of the Synod on Synodality called... Read more

A screenshot of the image produced from the Philadelphia Catholic Higher Education Synod, which participants say misrepresented them.

Philly synod artwork misrepresented our views, Catholic students say

Oct 5, 2022

By Kevin J. Jones

Artwork based on a listening session for Philadelphia-area Catholic university students drew global comment and criticism after it was shared... Read more


Priests reject controversial synod poster: it’s ‘out of bounds and confusing’

Sep 29, 2022

By CNA Staff

Two Spanish priests recently posted their analyses on social media of a controversial drawing posted to the Synod on Synodality... Read more