Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz

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Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz.

Catholic archbishop blocked at Belarus border calls for prayers

Sep 1, 2020

A Catholic archbishop appealed for prayers Tuesday, a day after he was blocked from entering Belarus by border guards.   Read more

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz prays outside of the Akrestsin Street pre-trial detention center in Minsk, Belarus, Aug. 19.

Border guards stop Catholic archbishop from returning to Belarus

Aug 31, 2020

Border guards blocked a Catholic archbishop from returning to Belarus Monday.   Read more

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz.

Catholic archbishop calls for investigation after riot police block church entrance in Belarus

Aug 27, 2020

A Catholic archbishop in Belarus protested Thursday after riot police blocked the entrance to a church in the capital, Minsk.  Read more

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz prays outside of the Akrestsin Street pre-trial detention center in Minsk, Belarus, Aug. 19.

Catholic archbishop prays outside of prison for detained Belarusian protesters

Aug 20, 2020

By Courtney Mares

The archbishop of Minsk prayed outside of a prison in Belarus Wednesday where detained protesters were reported to have been... Read more

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz.

Catholic archbishop: Let priests visit detained Belarus protesters

Aug 18, 2020

A Catholic archbishop urged the embattled government of Belarus Tuesday to allow priests to visit imprisoned protesters.   Read more

Riot police detain protesters, who accuse strongman Alexander Lukashenko of falsifying the polls in the presidential election, in Minsk, Aug. 10, 2020.

Catholic Archbishop of Minsk calls for end to violence after Belarus election

Aug 12, 2020

The Archbishop of Minsk-Mohilev called Tuesday for an end to the violent clashes occurring across Belarus following a disputed presidential... Read more