drug abuse

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Downgrading marijuana’s danger level: What Catholics should know

May 13, 2024

By Jonah McKeown

Marijuana usage remains a controversial topic among many people of faith, including Catholics. Here’s what you need to know.  Read more


Catholics and pot: Denver archbishop speaks out against marijuana use, U.S. drug culture

Nov 10, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

Archbishop Samuel Aquila’s new pastoral letter lays out the reasons for the Church’s teaching that drug use is immoral. Read more

Pope Francis gives the weekly Angelus address on Aug. 27, 2023.

Pope Francis: ‘We cannot be indifferent’ to people caught in drug addiction

Aug 27, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Behind every addiction there are concrete experiences, stories of loneliness, inequality, exclusion, lack of integration,” Pope Francis said. Read more

A syringe.

Young, white Americans are addicted to this (and what Catholics should do about it)

Feb 9, 2016

By Joan Frawley Desmond

When recent headlines marked a spike in drug overdoses for white, middle-class Americans, the news saddened but did not surprise... Read more

Archbishop Francis Chullikatt.

Vatican diplomat: anti-drug policies should focus on family

Jun 13, 2013

Policies to fight drug abuse should reflect the dignity of the human person and build up the family as vital... Read more