March for the Martyrs

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Gia Chacón (right), founder of March for the Martyrs, said the plight of the tens of thousands of Christian Armenians  pushed out of their homes in the disputed Artsakh or Nagorno-Karabakh region hash been "completely overlooked by the mainstream media.”

March for the Martyrs raises awareness of persecuted Armenian Christians and more

Apr 27, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

Marchers are setting out in the nation’s capital on Saturday to call attention to the plight of persecuted Christians throughout... Read more

Former Celtics player Enes Kanter Freedom will be the keynote speaker at the March for the Martyrs,

This Muslim NBA vet is marching for persecuted Christians on Saturday

Sep 23, 2022

By Joe Bukuras

Enes Kanter Freedom, a practicing Muslim from Turkey, will be speaking at the Sept. 24 March for the Martyrs in... Read more

March for the Martyrs, Sept. 5, 2020

‘March for the Martyrs’ to raise awareness of Christian persecution

Sep 10, 2021

By Christine Rousselle

The second annual March for the Martyrs, an event to draw attention to global Christian persecution, will be held on... Read more