Archive for January 19, 2004


Pope’s reaction to Gibson film still stirs debate

Articles about who said what to whom continue to make headlines as the debate about what the Pope actually said... Read more


Teaching peace is safest “security policy,” Pope says

Speaking to members of the General Inspectorate for Public Security at the Vatican, Pope John Paul stressed the need of... Read more


Pope to Muslims: “Peace be with you!”

“Peace be with you!” were Pope John Paul’s opening words this morning in the Consistory Hall as he welcomed participants,... Read more


Scientists object to therapeutic cloning

There’s more than moral reason to object to therapeutic cloning, says the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the... Read more


Family groups oppose bill that will force five-year-olds to attend school

A new bill that will force five-year-olds to attend school will receive a hearing tomorrow in the state Legislature.  Read more


Thousands of crosses commemorate victims of repression in Cuba 

Next February 20-23, volunteers from various countries will be placing more than 10,000 white crosses, each inscribed with a name... Read more


Undocumented are not commerce, says Archdiocese of Mexico

In the latest edition of its weekly newspaper, the Archdiocese of Mexico City denounced what it calls the commerce mentality... Read more


Hindu fundamentalists attack on Salesian part of increasing violence against Catholic religious

The Salesian News Agency is reporting this week that a Salesian priest was attacked by Hindu fundamentalists in the Indian... Read more