Archive for January 22, 2004


Pope praises Spain’s Christian roots

On Friday morning Pope John Paul received in audience Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Spanish government, accompanied by his... Read more


Cardinal López Trujillo announces new document that will address so-called “safe sex”

In comments made to Columbian media outlets, Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, reiterated... Read more


Roe v. Wade made abortion ‘routine’, USCCB official

Thirty-one years of Roe v. Wade has changed social norms and made abortion routine, said an official with the United... Read more


President supports thousands at March for Life

Tens of thousands of pro-life advocates gathered in Washington for the March for Life yesterday and demanded that Roe v.... Read more


ADL back to the offensive against “The Passion of the  Christ”

Two members of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) renewed their concerns about Mel Gibson’s film on the last hours of the... Read more


Belgian Cardinal says homosexual acts are perverted

Belgian Cardinal Gustav Joos said this week that homosexuals that take pride in their condition and are public about it... Read more


Argentinean Cardinal exhorts young people “broaden their horizons” 

During a Mass celebrated Wednesday at St. Agnes Parish in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of the Argentinean... Read more