Archive for January 30, 2006


Catholic League says New Hampshire bill targeting confessional should not pass

The Catholic League is urging New Hampshire state legislators to reject a bill that would remove the priest-penitent privilege that... Read more


Four churches, Vatican mission office targeted in Iraq

A series of car bomb explosions Sunday near four Christian churches and the Vatican mission office killed three people and... Read more


Australian churches protest bill that would ease access to abortion drug

Christians across Australia held a National Day of Action Against RU486 on Sunday, protesting a bill that would loosen controls... Read more


Washington Episcopal diocese okays blessings of same-sex unions

The Episcopal Diocese of Washington voted to approve same-sex blessing ceremonies at its annual convention at the Washington National Cathedral... Read more


Indifference to poor, self-centered isolation stand in marked contrast to ‘gaze of Christ’, says Pope

Today, the Vatican released the text of Pope Benedict XVI’s message for lent 2006. In it, he focuses his attention... Read more


Cardinal George apologizes to disgruntled Chicago parishioners

Recently released from Loyola University Hospital after a bout with dizzy spells, Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George met Monday night with... Read more


Pope names new Vice President for Pontifical Academy of Life

Pope Benedict XVI has named Msgr. Jean Laffitte as vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, replacing outgoing Msgr.... Read more


Catholics seek to return true meaning to St. Patrick’s Day

The One Bread Lay Apostolate, a Catholic group in North Carolina, has decided to use its participation in the traditional... Read more


Documentary reveals truth behind abortion industry

A new documentary showing the truth behind “what happens in the dark world of abortion”  and produced by a group... Read more


World Forum on Ethics calls for family to be declared patrimony of humanity

At the conclusion of the World Forum on Ethics, which was held simultaneously in five cities in Mexico from January... Read more