Rusty Montgomery

Rusty Montgomery

Rusty is a seminarian at St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Nebraska and is the co-founder of Live Greater Ministries. The ministry's aim is to invite the youth of the Church into a dialogue about the present culture and how Jesus invites us to a relationship with him, finding true happiness and greater purpose.  More information can be found on their website at

Articles by Rusty Montgomery

‘We Are Going to Czestochowa!’

Aug 11, 2008 / 00:00 am

I just got back yesterday from a visit to see my brother, who is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in New York City. My sister and I joined them for a pilgrimage celebrating the Polish culture of New Jersey and honoring our Lady of Czestochowa. It was such a blessing to be there as it gave me a greater understanding of the pilgrimage we are all on in life.  Sometimes our vision can be pretty short term only looking at the given moment, missing a greater context of what life is to come. The 60 mile pilgrimage I just went on, (yeah I said 60 miles!) reminded me of this greater pilgrimage, this journey that all people of God are on to eternal life in Heaven. And that is worth reflecting on and being reminded about. Walk with me…

Love the World!

Aug 6, 2008 / 00:00 am

“Bring the whole world, all the human values which attract you so very strongly — friendship, the arts, science, philosophy, theology, sports, nature, culture, souls — bring all of this within that hope: the hope of Christ!” – St. Jose Maria Escriva

Time For a Change…

Jul 28, 2008 / 00:00 am

"Remember this and never forget it: even if it should seem at times that everything is collapsing, nothing is collapsing at all, because God doesn’t lose battles” – St. Jose Maria Escriva

Are You Satisfied?

Jul 21, 2008 / 00:00 am

May the Trinity be praised! At this moment I have taken a deep breath for the first time in seven weeks. My summer of traveling and teaching is over. May the Lord and His abundant mercy and grace be praised for the work He did this summer. When you’re doing God’s work there is no time off! In a few hours I am heading out to a Boys Leadership Camp for the week and then off to other obligations after that. I beg of your prayers!

He’s so Beautiful…

Jul 14, 2008 / 00:00 am

So there they were kneeling in front of the tabernacle waiting for me to open it and show them what was inside. The first and second graders in Friend, Nebraska asked to see inside the tabernacle, so as we finished touring the Church, we received permission to open it and see Jesus. The excitement and anticipation that was present in that moment was refreshing to me as it truly led me to reflect on who the young children wanted to see. They wanted to see Jesus. We had talked about Him all morning, and had pictures of Him up everywhere we turned, but they wanted to experience the real thing…Jesus in the Eucharist. I opened the tabernacle, and each child got to come up, genuflect, and peer inside at their savior and friend. As the last young girl came up to have her turn, she genuflected and peered into the tabernacle, and exclaimed in a soft voice, “He is so beautiful!” 

Playing For Keeps…

Jul 7, 2008 / 00:00 am

Well it is July and that means that it’s wedding season! I just arrived home today from Dubuque, Iowa where I had the honor of serving the wedding Mass of my two dear friends. It was a beautiful wedding. As I was praying for my friends, I couldn’t help but be amazed and grateful for what God had done to bring us all to that moment. He brought two people together to love proclaim their love for one another and for Him. It was a sight to see. As I saw the couple praying together to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking her to guide and bless their marriage, once again I couldn’t help but have a moment recognizing that this marriage was God’s Will! May all praise and glory be to Him!

I was speeding…

Jul 1, 2008 / 00:00 am

Today I got to go to STOP class. How wonderful uh? For those of you who do not know what it is, well…I was caught speeding and got to go to a class to “refresh my memory” of the traffic laws that govern our streets and highways. The class was for eight hours and wasn’t that bad. Of course, leave it to me to allow myself to let the Lord turn it into a spiritual experience. Thus, my column for the week stems from the 25 people who were at STOP class with me today. It was quite an experience.

I Have a Better Idea…

Jun 23, 2008 / 00:00 am

Lately I have been reminiscing about a pilgrimage I took to Poland a year ago this summer and reflecting on the deep impact the country and its history have had on my life.  From the Nazis to the Communists, the country was wounded by what seems to me to be an idea. Both the Nazis and the Communists both had an idea about the worth and potential of the human person. All because of a certain ideas, the people of Poland suffered at the hands of dictators, war, and death - all because someone had an idea.

Amazed By You

Jun 16, 2008 / 00:00 am

Just arrived home from Dwight, Nebraska last night. May the Lord be praised for the young people and families in Dwight who truly showed us the Lord this past week. As I continue to travel this summer with my teammates and continue to meet so many kids and families I can’t do anything but lift my heart in praise for this experience and the many wonderful moments and gifts that Lord has blessed me with. And with that, as I was thinking about what the Lord wanted my column to be about this week, I am inspired to turn to the topic of PRAISE.

LOVE the Lord!

Jun 9, 2008 / 00:00 am

I spent this past week with the young people of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Seward, Nebraska. Praise God for their lives, faith, and hospitality they showed to me and my fellow Totus Tuus missionaries. For those of you that don’t know, Totus Tuus is a summer catechetical program in many dioceses around the nation.  My team and are will be traveling around the Lincoln, Nebraska diocese for the next seven weeks! I beg of your prayers as we strive to witness to and teach the young people of the Church. May God be praised.

Shh! It is a Secret!

Jun 2, 2008 / 00:00 am

“I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts” Ezekiel 36:26

We Will Miss You # 59

May 19, 2008 / 00:00 am

This week a sudden death of a young person rattled the local Catholic community. Death is a part of life but it is so hard to understand when a 17 year-old is running during football conditioning and collapses to the ground never to get up again. Everyone asks why, wonders what could have been done differently, and tries to deal with the harsh reality that we are mortal.

Word to Your Mom

May 13, 2008 / 00:00 am

I just recently heard a talk where a priest told a story about an interaction he had with Blessed Theresa of Calcutta. During a conversation over lunch, he simply asked her about how she was able to start the Missionaries of Charity. She humbly replied back to his question by simply saying, “Mary pleaded for the poor and Jesus gave her the grace I needed to begin this work of love.”  Her response had a profound impact in his life and priesthood and I couldn’t help but go away from the story and conversation thinking about it as well. With great joy, the priest exclaimed to the audience I was in that every grace and blessing in our lives first comes from Mary! To think about this reality, that every gift that we have in our lives we have received because Mary pleaded for us to her Son. To understand this and take it in is simply overwhelming!

The Holy Spirit is Coming...

May 5, 2008 / 00:00 am

Welcome to finals week! (For me anyway) I pray that the Lord and His abundant peace may be with you!

The Best Night of Your Life….

Apr 28, 2008 / 00:00 am

May the Lord give you His Peace!

Jesus Visited This Week…

Apr 21, 2008 / 00:00 am

There is an ancient legend that said on Sundays, mothers would take their children out into the streets of Jerusalem hoping that Peter would walk by so that their children could dwell in the shadow of the one whom Christ called to be himself to the world. I couldn’t help but think of that as I was dwelling in the shadow of Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to New York. No I didn’t get to meet him or kiss his ring, but I did get to be in his presence and that was all I needed.  We all actually can rejoice as his presence over shadowed our whole country over the past week. The news pundits and many others will have their opinions as we continue to reflect on what his trip meant to America, but as we take in his words and actions over the past few days we can truly say the only thing we can proclaim in great truth is that, HE WAS CHRIST to us and that is exactly what our country needed.

Jesus Plays Night Games…

Apr 14, 2008 / 00:00 am

“When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice” – John 10:4

Jesus Is Alive….

Apr 8, 2008 / 00:00 am

I turned 23 today. Praise God for another year to be alive, to love, be loved, and to rejoice in all the gifts he has given me in my life. Also praise God for the life and love of my parents and also for the life of my triplet brother Scott and triplet sister Katie whom I share my birthday with and whom I love dearly.

Are You In The Know?

Mar 31, 2008 / 00:00 am

And he said to them, "What is this conversation which you are holding with each other as you walk?" And they stood still, looking sad” - Luke 24:17

Peace My Friends…

Mar 24, 2008 / 00:00 am

“Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘peace be with you!’” (Jn 20:19)