The Vatican “found” the file, it does “exist,” the Vatican’s promoter of justice, Alessandro Diddi, said, according to Italian media.
The Council of Nicaea took place in the ancient city of Nicaea in 325 A.D. in the former Roman Empire, which is now the present-day city of İznik.
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is forming a working group with the Dicastery for Legislative Texts with “the task of analyzing this possibility.”
Pope Francis will inaugurate the live webcam of the tomb of the apostle and first pope on Dec. 2.
The Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation chooses the annual recipients of the award, which is named in honor of the late Pope Benedict XVI.
St. Cecilia, widely known as the patron saint of music and musicians, is buried in the Basilica of St. Cecilia in the Roman neighborhood of Trastevere.
An online petition posted to in mid-October garnered over 53,000 signatures in protest of the evergreen being chopped down.
In a Nov. 21 letter to cardinals, prefects, and managers in the Roman Curia, the pope underlined the gravity of the unsustainability of the pension fund.
The second edition of the “Ordo Exsequiarum Romani Pontificis” (“Order of Funerals for Roman Pontiffs”) is a revision of the version published in 2000.
“I want all diocesan realities that own real estate to offer their contribution to stem the housing emergency,” Pope Francis said.
Battaglia’s reputation as a “street priest” close to drug addicts and the poor has also led some to view him as Pope Francis’ Italian counterpart.
The Vatican’s Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is hosting a conference on safeguarding in the Catholic Church in Europe from Nov. 13–15.
Pope Francis warned that both foreign debt and ecological debt are “mortgaging the future” of nations.
The pope declared that part of the archives and library be moved to a building on extraterritorial Vatican property at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.
Bernard, also known as St. Bernard of Menthon, lived from about 1020–1081 in what are now the countries of France, Switzerland, and Italy.
The church is the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome and the seat of the bishop of Rome, the pope. The adjoining palace served as the papal residence until the 14th century.
The pontiff introduced Father George Jacob Koovakad to the world in 2021 as someone who is “always smiling.”
European leaders expressed readiness to work with Donald Trump following his historic reelection, emphasizing transatlantic cooperation and shared values.
The space, inaugurated Oct. 31, is intended to provide practical, artistic, and spiritual information to visitors of the Vatican basilica.
During his tenure in Naples, Italy, the archbishop has spoken out strongly against the violence of organized crime in the southern Italian city.