The space, inaugurated Oct. 31, is intended to provide practical, artistic, and spiritual information to visitors of the Vatican basilica.
During his tenure in Naples, Italy, the archbishop has spoken out strongly against the violence of organized crime in the southern Italian city.
With the Nov. 4 appointment, 63-year-old Bishop Jeffrey Grob will be returning to his birth state of Wisconsin. He was born to dairy farmers in Cross Plains in 1961.
Every Sunday, Pope Francis appears at a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square to give a brief spiritual reflection before leading the Angelus prayer.
The academic congress was hosted by the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome from Oct. 28–30.
For All Souls’ Day, Francis will continue his custom of holding a Mass in a local cemetery to pray for the dead, especially the holy souls in purgatory.
One year after the Vatican announced it would open a canonical case on Father Marko Rupnik, victims say they feel disappointed and betrayed.
Pope Francis has announced that the final Synod on Synodality document will be adopted without a traditional papal exhortation.
Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, Italy, presented Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”) at a press conference at the Vatican on Oct. 24.
“What can the Holy Spirit have to do with marriage, for example? A great deal, perhaps the essential…” the pope said during his general audience Oct. 23.
Ordinations were halted by the Vatican in June 2022 following a fraternal visit to the diocese by Archbishop (now Cardinal) Jean-Marc Aveline of Marseille.
The bishop’s request “was motivated by his desire to continue growing in priestly life and in service to the Church and the people of God,” the Holy See said.
The focus going forward will be the writing and editing of the Synod on Synodality’s final document.
At the forums, speakers drew heavily on the Church’s dogmatic constitution from Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, in their defenses of synodality.
With the Oct. 16 vote, Italy will amend its law to extend its jurisdiction to criminalize even surrogacy “committed abroad.”
“It's the one Church, it’s the one faith, and we want to keep celebrating that even amidst our cultural diversity,” Australian Archbishop Anthony Fisher said.
St. Hedwig of Silesia was a princess, wife, mother, and builder of bridges between the German and Polish people.
The prayer campaign sends a daily email with guidance on how to pray for the “adopted” Synod on Synodality participant.
On Dec. 8, Pope Francis will preside at a Mass with the College of Cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Pope Francis will add 21 members to the College of Cardinals at a consistory at the Vatican in December.