Courtney Mares

Courtney Mares

Courtney Mares is a Rome Correspondent for Catholic News Agency. A graduate of Harvard University, she has reported from news bureaus on three continents and was awarded the Gardner Fellowship for her work with North Korean refugees. She is the author of “Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers” (Ignatius, 2023),

Articles by Courtney Mares

Rebuilding broken hearts: A Syrian sister’s prayer for her country

Jan 31, 2019 / 03:36 am

As the people of Syria work to rebuild the cities, hospitals, homes, and schools that were destroyed through years of conflict, they also face a more difficult task, according to one Syrian Catholic sister: repairing broken hearts.

Pope Francis: True love is found in fidelity

Jan 29, 2019 / 08:22 am

Unity and fidelity in a Christian marriage can offer an example of true love to the world, Pope Francis said Tuesday.

Pope Francis outlines key priorities for February sex abuse summit

Jan 28, 2019 / 07:48 am

Speaking on the papal flight returning from Panama, the pope said he wanted the world’s bishops to receive a “catechesis” on the suffering of abuse survivors, and understand better the urgent reality of combating sexual abuse.

Pope Francis: Heal the 'wearied hope' within a wounded Church

Jan 26, 2019 / 07:54 am

Pope Francis said Saturday that he recognized the weariness felt in the priesthood and in religious communities due to the sins that wound the Church today.

Pope Francis hears confessions in Panamanian youth prison

Jan 25, 2019 / 11:28 am

Pope Francis heard confessions at a youth prison in Panama Friday, telling the young inmates that “you have a bigger purpose,” and that there is joy in heaven for one repentant sinner.

Pope Francis says Panama to be 'a hub of hope' during World Youth Day

Jan 24, 2019 / 08:55 am

Upon arriving in Panama for World Youth Day 2019, Pope Francis met with politicians, diplomats and civil society leaders, extending a message of hope for “a more humane world.”

Pope Francis warns against 'spirals of hatred' on social media

Jan 24, 2019 / 04:26 am

In his World Day of Social Communications message, Pope Francis said that online discussion is “too often based on opposition to the other.”

Meet the hitchhiking friar with an extraordinary near-death experience

Jan 24, 2019 / 00:16 am

Miraculous events have shaped Friar Juan Maria Crisostomo’s life to bring him to the radical poverty and simplicity of his vocation as a Little Friar of Jesus and Mary.

Navy chaplains appointed military archdiocese auxiliary bishops

Jan 22, 2019 / 09:44 am

Pope Francis appointed Tuesday two Navy chaplains, Fr. Joseph Coffey and Fr. William Muhm, as auxiliary bishops for the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services.

Pope’s app 'Click to Pray' connects Catholics to a smartphone prayer network

Jan 20, 2019 / 06:46 am

Pope Francis launched an app Sunday called  “Click to Pray,” which connects Catholics to a global network to share prayer intentions via their smartphones.

Vatican transfers task of Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith

Jan 19, 2019 / 06:02 am

Pope Francis issued a motu proprio Saturday ending the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei and creating an office within the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith to focus on doctrinal dialogue with traditionalist groups.

Vatican releases online guide to combat $150 billion human trafficking industry

Jan 17, 2019 / 16:00 pm

With a new online guide, the Vatican seeks to combat the “ugly business” of human trafficking, which is estimated to generate $150 billion dollars a year, by examining the different levels of its complex international supply chains to target this grave evil at its roots.

Pope Francis: 'God loves you, even if you forget Him'

Jan 16, 2019 / 05:05 am

God the Father will always be there for his beloved children, Pope Francis said Wednesday, with a reminder that the unconditional love of God is not limited by our own sense of guilt or unworthiness.

On Holy Family feast, Pope Francis offers advice for healing family wounds

Dec 30, 2018 / 06:43 am

Pope Francis prayerfully entrusted troubled families to the protection of the Holy Family of Nazareth Sunday and offered his advice for healing family wounds.

'God has become my light' A Chinese teen’s conversion story

Dec 28, 2018 / 05:06 am

At the age of 14, Yuan made the decision to become a Catholic. “I found a freedom that I had never had before. For the first time, I had nothing to hide in my heart,” she reflected.

The deep roots of Portugal's Marian devotion

Dec 27, 2018 / 10:01 am

When the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima in 1917, Portugal had already acclaimed Mary as their reigning Queen for hundreds of years. After the coronation of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception as “Queen of Portugal” by King João IV in 1646, no Portuguese monarch ever wore a crown again.

St. Stephen’s Day connects Christ’s birth to his salvific mission, Pope Francis says

Dec 26, 2018 / 04:45 am

The feast of the first Christian martyr, St. Stephen, falls the day after Christmas —  timing that contains an important spiritual lesson, Pope Francis said Wednesday.

Pope’s Christmas Wish: Peace & brotherhood in world’s conflicts

Dec 25, 2018 / 05:34 am

On Christmas, Pope Francis prayed for peace and renewed brotherhood in Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and other parts of the world experiencing conflict.

Pope Francis: Invite God to dwell in your heart this Christmas

Dec 24, 2018 / 14:22 pm

God offers himself to us in the manger in Bethlehem, Pope Francis said in his Christmas homily Monday night, inviting each heart to welcome this heavenly gift.

Where is Jesus in the midst of the Church's sex abuse crisis?

Dec 24, 2018 / 11:16 am

Fr. Thomas Berg is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, a former Legionary of Christ, and professor of moral theology, vice rector, and director of admissions at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, NY.  He is author of Hurting in the Church: A Way Forward for Wounded Catholics. He spoke recently with CNA’s Courtney Grogan about the challenges Catholics face amid the Church’s sexual abuse and misconduct scandals.