David Ramos

David Ramos

Graduated in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Privada del Norte in Trujillo, Peru. I have been part of the ACI Prensa team for more than 10 years. I have covered Pope Francis' trips to Ecuador, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Peru. I covered the beatification ceremony of today's Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero in San Salvador, El Salvador, in 2015. Special envoy for investigation in Honduras in 2016. Head of the ACI Prensa Office in Mexico since 2018.

Articles by David Ramos

Bolivian archdiocese condemns feminist violence against those protecting churches 

Nov 29, 2021 / 15:42 pm

The Archdiocese of Santa Cruz de la Sierra has condemned the violence perpetrated outside its cathedral by feminist demonstrators Nov. 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Mexican Electoral Tribunal rules political party's pro-life ads 'offensive'

Nov 9, 2021 / 15:00 pm

Mexico’s Electoral Tribunal ruled Thursday that political ads against abortion and adoption by same-sex couples from the the Solidarity Encounter Party “contain statements and images of an offensive and/or denigrating nature.”

Child of raped minor in Bolivia dies shortly after forced delivery at 24 weeks

Nov 8, 2021 / 17:14 pm

The child of a pregnant 11-year-old rape victim in Bolivia died several hours after his birth on Saturday. The mother had refused to procure abortion, and was made to deliver her child when she was 24 weeks pregnant.

Planned Parenthood grant recipient in Peru loses in court in attempt to silence ACI Prensa

Nov 2, 2021 / 16:30 pm

Promsex, an organization that promotes the decriminalization of abortion in Peru, lost in court in its attempt to silence ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish language news partner, and to hide its ties with Planned Parenthood.

Twelve bishops under investigation by Church in Mexico for covering up sexual abuse 

Nov 2, 2021 / 15:20 pm

Archbishop Franco Coppola, the apostolic nuncio to Mexico, said that to date there are 12 bishops being investigated by the Catholic Church for allegedly covering up cases of cases of the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults in the country, but that nothing has been determined so far.

St José Sánchez del Río's witness highlighted at Mexican Martyrs Shrine statue dedication

Oct 18, 2021 / 17:01 pm

At the dedication of the statue of Saint José Sánchez del Río at Guadalajara’s Martyrs Shrine, the city’s archbishop highlighted the saint’s witness and encouraged young people to be inspired by his life.

Spanish bishop who resigned from office will attempt marriage

Oct 15, 2021 / 14:01 pm

Bishop Xavier Novell Gomà, who resigned as Bishop of Solsona in August, has applied for a civil marriage license with his partner, who is herself a divorcee.

Dean resigns after filming of questionable music video in Toledo Cathedral

Oct 12, 2021 / 17:45 pm

Fr. Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche, dean of the Toledo Cathedral, has submitted his resignation following the improper use of the sacred space in a music video which includes sensual dance scenes within the church.

Toledo archbishop apologizes for "misuse of a sacred place" after questionable music video filmed in cathedral

Oct 8, 2021 / 14:39 pm

Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chaves of Toledo apologized Friday for the improper use of the city’s cathedral in a music video, which includes sensual dance scenes within the church.

Hundreds of thousands attend march 'for women and for life' in Mexico City

Oct 4, 2021 / 17:29 pm

More than 300,000 people participated in a march in favor of women and of life in Mexico City on Sunday, with more than 1 million total in associated marches across the country.

Video: Lava destroys church on La Palma in Canary Islands

Sep 27, 2021 / 12:48 pm

Lava from the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands destroyed the church of Saint Pius X in the Todoque neighborhood in the town of Llanos de Aridane on Sept. 26.

Salvadoran archbishop thanks president for promise not to approve pro-abortion constitutional changes

Sep 23, 2021 / 17:00 pm

The Archbishop of San Salvador thanked Saturday the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, for his commitment not to approve abortion, gender ideology, or euthanasia in the constitutional reforms outlined by his government. 

Mexican Supreme Court invalidates medical conscientious objection law

Sep 21, 2021 / 11:25 am

Mexico's Supreme Court on Monday invalidated an article of the General Health Law that broadly provided for medical personnel's conscientious objection to participating in treatments, such as abortion.

Mexican episcopate won't cover medical expenses of priests with COVID-19 who aren't vaccinated

Sep 17, 2021 / 13:00 pm

The financial assistance service of the Mexican bishops’ conference stated last month that it will not cover the medical expenses of priests with COVID-19 who chose not to be vaccinated against the disease.

Mexican bishops announce march 'for women and for life'

Sep 15, 2021 / 17:19 pm

In response to recent rulings by the nation’s Supreme Court decriminalizing abortion, the bishops of Mexico have called on the faithful and people of good will throughout the country to join a march "for women and for life" to be held Oct. 3 in Mexico City.

Thousands demonstrate outside Mexico's Supreme Court to defend life, reject abortion

Sep 14, 2021 / 18:19 pm

More than 2,500 people demonstrated Monday outside the Mexican Supreme Court building in Mexico City to defend life and oppose abortion. 

Archbishop calls on Peruvian president to rid his administration of ties to Shining Path

Sep 13, 2021 / 17:19 pm

Archbishop José Antonio Eguren Anselmi of Piura called Sunday on the president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, to rid his cabinet of people linked to the Shining Path, a communist rebel group.

Peruvian terrorist leader dies in prison; archbishop urges prayers for his soul

Sep 11, 2021 / 14:53 pm

“The Lord Jesus has asked us to love our enemies and on the cross he has given us an example of this. Let us pray to God to have mercy on his soul."

Mexico City archbishop to Supreme Court: An attack on life is an attack on God

Sep 10, 2021 / 15:00 pm

Following the ruling by Mexico’s Supreme Court opening the door to the decriminalization of abortion, the Archbishop of Mexico warned that an attack "on life, is an attack on God."

Mexican Supreme Court, in decision of 'infamy,' annuls constitutional protections for unborn

Sep 9, 2021 / 16:40 pm

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), the highest judicial body in Mexico, ruled September 9 against the protection of life from conception in the Constitution of the Mexican state of Sinaloa. This is the court's second ruling in favor of abortion in less than a week, a ruling that could have dramatic consequences in the other states of the country.