Daniel Meloy

Daniel Meloy

Daniel Meloy is a staff reporter for Detroit Catholic.

Articles by Daniel Meloy

Michigan iconographer roots work in prayer when depicting the divine

Jun 30, 2024 / 06:00 am

Kathleen Crombie, who has been writing icons since the early 2000s, says this ancient art form is a “door to the divine” and a language of faith.

Crown restored to Marian statue at Michigan parish after missing for 44 years

May 12, 2024 / 07:00 am

“It’s about time she got it back,” the sacristan said after finding the long-lost crown for the parish’s Immaculata statue in the church basement before the May crowning.

First-year seminarians will unplug from technology starting in fall at Detroit seminary

Apr 14, 2024 / 08:00 am

Starting in the fall, seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit are going to have more prayer time and less screen time.

Archbishop Vigneron rallies Catholics to engage in a spiritual ‘campaign’ this Lent

Feb 19, 2024 / 08:00 am

The chief shepherd of the Archdiocese of Detroit kicked off a season of penitence and fasting during Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Aloysius.

Father Allan Travers: The one-game pitcher who might have saved the Detroit Tigers

Jul 23, 2023 / 08:00 am

The only priest to ever pitch in the major leagues holds the American League record for most hits allowed in a single game: 26.

Detroit TV personality Chuck Gaidica’s ‘breaking news’: he’s returned to the Church

Nov 17, 2022 / 14:15 pm

Chuck Gaidica has been in the TV business for more than 40 years, telling the stories of Detroiters as a well-known figure in the community.

They enrolled in Catholic school because of the pandemic; now, they're becoming Catholic

Mar 19, 2022 / 05:00 am

St. Isaac Jogues School in the Archdiocese of Detroit credits strong culture of faith as a dozen families — many new to the school — prepare to enter the Church this Easter.