Inspired by the SEEK conference, Noah Mullins and his friend Daniel Turek have launched 'Kingdom Kneelers' pads for prayer at home, in churches, and on pilgrimage.
Kathleen Crombie, who has been writing icons since the early 2000s, says this ancient art form is a “door to the divine” and a language of faith.
“It’s about time she got it back,” the sacristan said after finding the long-lost crown for the parish’s Immaculata statue in the church basement before the May crowning.
Starting in the fall, seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit are going to have more prayer time and less screen time.
The chief shepherd of the Archdiocese of Detroit kicked off a season of penitence and fasting during Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Aloysius.
The only priest to ever pitch in the major leagues holds the American League record for most hits allowed in a single game: 26.
Chuck Gaidica has been in the TV business for more than 40 years, telling the stories of Detroiters as a well-known figure in the community.
St. Isaac Jogues School in the Archdiocese of Detroit credits strong culture of faith as a dozen families — many new to the school — prepare to enter the Church this Easter.