Father Zvonimir Pavicic, OFM, welcomed the recent Vatican recognition of the spiritual phenomenon at Medjugorje as a call to make the recognition more widely known.
Cardinal Kurt Koch reflected the tension between the two essential parts of the Second Vatican Council: fidelity to the sources and fidelity to the signs of the times.
“This way of accompanying Christian faithful who are in such situations does not correspond with the teaching of Pope Francis,” the Diocese of Huelva said in a statement.
Spanish Bishop José Ignacio Munilla warned about the theories spread by Father Pablo d’Ors that suppose a “crazy interpretation of the Gospel.”
Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa said that in the Holy Land “people are happy because this war has worn us down, exhausted us, and wounded everyone’s lives.”
Franciscan friar Paolo Benanti emphasized that “the reality we are facing is different from that of 10 or 15 years ago and it’s a reality defined by software.”
Pep Borrell is a dentist by profession, but his passion is to know and spread profound countercultural truths about dating and marriage according to the Church.
Pope Francis encouraged those present to be “people on the journey” who always have the desire to continue, “always with the desire to move forward.”
“The saddest thing is that those responsible are not aware of what they’re doing. Once again banality surrounds us,” Archbishop Luis Argüello said.
A priest prevented a man from taking off with an unconsumed consecrated host during the Mass for the second anniversary of the St. Lucy shrine.
A ruling by the Supreme Court of Spain states that surrogacy exploits the woman who rents her womb and harms the dignity and rights of the children conceived.
Here is the story of John Traynor, whose miraculous healing at Lourdes was announced Dec. 8 by the archbishop of Liverpool.
Father Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche, an expert in liturgy and popular piety, says Pope Francis “has highly valued popular piety” throughout his life.
“The time is mature for the appointment of an EU coordinator on combating anti-Christian hatred in Europe,” said Alessandro Calcagno, an adviser to bishops.
The theme for this year’s Political Network for Values Transatlantic Summit from Dec. 1–2 in Spain was “For Freedom and the Culture of Life.”
The Charismatic Renewal in Spain has accepted “with filial obedience” the recent doctrinal note by the country’s bishops on “intergenerational healing.”
The Spanish Bishops’ Conference has published a doctrinal note criticizing the practice of so-called “intergenerational healing” promoted by some priests.
Professor Marta Rodríguez Díaz says rather than fighting gender ideology, the mission of the Church is “to seek to make light shine in the darkness.”
Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain, said at a conference that “we will only get out of this crisis through a renewal of holiness.”
Spain’s Constitutional Court has ruled that by refusing to admit a woman, a male Catholic brotherhood violated the legal precept of nondiscrimination.