Americas News


Archbishop denounces campaign to discredit Church in Argentina

Feb 7, 2005

In his weekly Sunday message, Archbishop Domingo Castagna of Corrientes, Argentina, expressed regret at the political and ideological spin that... Read more


Chilean archbishop says Pope is example of faithfulness in suffering

Feb 7, 2005

Archbishop Cristian Caro of Puerto Montt, Chile, expressed his admiration for the witness of strength of Pope John Paul II... Read more


Sects provoking division in Mexican dioceses, says bishop

Feb 7, 2005

Bishop Jose Luis Amezcua Melgoza of Campeche, Mexico, said this week the large presence of sects in his diocese is... Read more


Bishops across Mexico express closeness and prayers for Pope John Paul

Feb 6, 2005

Bishops across Mexico offered up prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe this week for the speedy recovery of Pope John... Read more


Task of seminaries is to provide authentic formation, says Venezuelan bishop

Feb 6, 2005

During a Mass celebrating the 80th anniversary of the St. Thomas Aquinas diocesan seminary, Bishop Mario del Valle Moronta Rodríguez... Read more


Ecuadorian bishops say science does not negate abortifacient nature of the pill

Feb 3, 2005

Parishes throughout Ecuador are distributing a letter from the executive committee of the Bishops Conference of Ecuador, which warns that... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez calls on young people to cultivate loyalty, respect and purity of spirit

Feb 2, 2005

During a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo on National Youth Day, the archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal... Read more


Cardinal Rubiano calls Colombians to common sense on issues of abortion and homosexual unions

Feb 2, 2005

Presiding at the opening of the General Assembly of the Bishops Conference of Colombia, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, Archbishop of... Read more


Cardinal Rivera reiterates that complete happiness is found in Heaven

Feb 1, 2005

The archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, said this week Christians are called to look for complete happiness,... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez calls on Dominicans to unite in prayer for nation

Feb 1, 2005

The archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, issued a call to the more than... Read more


UN feminist committee “recommends” Paraguay legalize abortion

Jan 30, 2005

During its 32nd biannual meeting, the controversial UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women recommended the country of... Read more


Mexican priest warns sects do not have a right to get rich off of God

Jan 27, 2005

The rector of the Cathedral of León, Father Jose Salome Lemus, warned this week that no religious institution has the... Read more


Build a society based on Christian principals, says Dominican Republic bishop

Jan 27, 2005

Auxiliary Bishop Amancio Escapa of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo is encouraging the faithful to work to build a country... Read more


Archbishop of La Paz encourages Bolivians to preserve unity and democracy in the country

Jan 27, 2005

Archbishop Edmundo Abastoflor of La Paz, Bolivia, is calling on the government and on the Bolivian people to “dialogue untiringly”... Read more


Argentinean bishop says anti-catholic press created condom scandal in Spain

Jan 26, 2005

Bishop Jorge Lona of San Luis, Argentina, said last week the “anti-catholic” press twisted the statements of the Secretary of... Read more


First Canon Law Department in Mexico inaugurated

Jan 26, 2005

This week at the parish of St. Augustine in Tlalpan, Mexico, the first ever Canon Law Department of the Pontifical... Read more


Cardinal Rivera says fight against drugs begins in the family

Jan 25, 2005

The archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, said this week that while the government has the duty to... Read more


Church hopeful UN will name new envoy to Colombian peace process

Jan 25, 2005

Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro, vice president of the Bishops Conference of Colombia, expressed his confidence this week that the United... Read more


Catholics for a Free Choice to intensify pro-abortion efforts in Brazil

Jan 25, 2005

The pro-abortion group "Catholics for a Free Choice" (CFFC) is intensifying its efforts to get abortion legalized in Brazil, as... Read more


Ecuadorian bishop calls on government to guarantee right to protest

Jan 25, 2005

The secretary general of the Bishops Conference of Ecuador, Bishop Jose Vicente Eguiguren Samaniego, is calling on the government to... Read more