Americas News


Dominican Republic bishop laments late measures to improve prison conditions

Mar 22, 2005

Bishop Nicanor Pena Rodriguez of Higuey, Dominican Republic, expressed sadness this week that it is taken “the deaths of 136... Read more


Argentinean bishop warns religion is not a private affair

Mar 21, 2005

“There are many people who were baptized in the Catholic Church and are embarrassed to speak” about Christ in public,... Read more


Cuban dissidents harassed alter attending Palm Sunday celebrations

Mar 21, 2005

Cuban dissident Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello said this week a group of women from the Damas de Blanco (“Women of... Read more


Cuban opposition leader calls on Castro to support democratic reform

Mar 20, 2005

Cuban opposition leader Oswaldo Paya is challenging the government of Fidel Castro to present to the UN Human Rights Commission... Read more


Confessions over the internet invalid, say Peruvian bishops

Mar 17, 2005

Responding to a string of television programs promoting Confession over the internet, the Bishops Conference of Peru said this week... Read more


Church in Costa Rica objects to plan to legalize abortion

Mar 17, 2005

The Special Committee for the Defense of Life of the Bishops Conference of Costa Rica decided this week to send... Read more


Argentinean bishops condemn abortion and reject international laws that promote it

Mar 16, 2005

The Executive Committee of the Bishops Conference of Argentina has issued a statement condemning abortion and calling on lawmakers to... Read more


Pro-abortion “Catholics” manipulate poll in Brazil to claim support for abortion

Mar 16, 2005

Catholics for a Free Choice is releasing the results of a poll in Brazil which, according to the feminist pro-abortion... Read more


Cardinal Rivera denounces attempts to justify killing of the innocent

Mar 15, 2005

During the celebration of Charity Day, the Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, denounced the existence of a campaign... Read more


Paraguayan bishop says Jesus Christ is foundation for celibacy

Mar 15, 2005

Bishop Claudio Gimenez of Caacupe and President of the Bishops Conference of Paraguay said this week the true and only... Read more


Honduran bishops says authorities must face wave of violence

Mar 15, 2005

In a statement released this week, the Bishops Conference of Honduras said the recent acts of violence taking place in... Read more


Opposition leader challenges Cuban government for 15 minutes on TV

Mar 15, 2005

In an interview with the Associated Press, renowned Cuban activist Oswaldo Paya issued a request to the government of Cuba... Read more


Support for abortion could spell trouble for reelection for Brazil’s president

Mar 14, 2005

The Catholic vote in Brazil could be a decisive factor in President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s chances for reelection... Read more


Pro-life groups slam Argentina for abstaining from vote on human cloning

Mar 10, 2005

Several pro-life groups in Argentina called the country’s abstention from the UN vote on human cloning “an embarrassment.” Read more


Church in Colombia target of violence in last 20 years

Mar 9, 2005

The Bishops Conference of Colombia is reporting that during the last 20 years, 65 priests and religious have been murdered... Read more


Bolivian bishops call for reconciliation in midst of deep national crisis

Mar 8, 2005

The Bishops Conference of Bolivia has issued a statement entitled, “In the name of Christ, Be reconciled,” in which they... Read more


“Three types of blindness” regarding the family denounces Cardinal Rivera

Mar 7, 2005

During his Sunday homily at the archdiocesan cathedral, the Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera, referred to the Week... Read more


Costa Rica lone voice in Latin America against Beijing abortion statement

Mar 7, 2005

Costa Rica’s delegate to the UN said this weekend that contrary to the vast majority of delegations from Latin American... Read more


Peruvian bishops denounce gender feminism as damaging to women and the family

Mar 7, 2005

In a statement released to mark the celebration of International Women’s Day, the Bishops Conference of Peru warned that the... Read more


Rome HLI director expresses solidarity with pro-life efforts in Argentina

Mar 6, 2005

The director of Human Life International’s Rome office, Father Ignacio Barreiro, has sent a letter to Bishop Antonio Baseotto of... Read more