Europe News


New child protection policy give Church in Ireland hope, says bishop

Nov 20, 2005

The adoption and implementation of a new child protection policy by the Church in Ireland is a sign of hope... Read more


Nuncio in Spain warns freedom and power are weakened by exclusion of God

Nov 20, 2005

The Apostolic Nuncio to Spain, Archbishop Manuel Monteiro de Castro, said last week freedom and power are weakened when God... Read more


Minister assures changes will not threaten Catholic education

Nov 17, 2005

The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools could soon be dismantled as part of a sweeping review of Northern Ireland administration.... Read more


European conference promotes new evangelization

Nov 17, 2005

More than 2,000 international delegates, among them five cardinals, took part in the third International Congress for the New Evangelization... Read more


Holy See Press Office Director receives freedom of expression award

Nov 17, 2005

The Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, received this week the Luka Brajnovic Award for freedom of... Read more


French officials condemn burning of Catholic church

Nov 17, 2005

French president Jacques Chirac has condemned the burning of a church in the Parisian suburb of Romans, calling it an... Read more


Austrian cardinal says tendency towards secularization is not inevitable

Nov 15, 2005

During a interview on Austrian television last Sunday, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said the "tendency towards secularization should be considered an... Read more


Italian woman’s healing at Lourdes officially recognized

Nov 14, 2005

The Catholic Church has officially recognized the miraculous healing of an Italian woman who visited the Shrine of Our Lady... Read more

Pope shares concerns of Italian Bishops for Priest shortage and calls for better formation of priests

Nov 14, 2005

Pope Benedict said he shared the Italian Bishops concern over the current shortage of priests in a message he sent... Read more


Spanish couple combats violence in Caracas with “City of Hope”

Nov 10, 2005

According to a report published by the AVAN news agency, a home for troubled young people in Caracas, called “City... Read more


Italian daily publishes excerpts from long-awaited Vatican document on homosexuals in the seminary

Nov 10, 2005

The Italian daily Il Giornale has published what it claims are excerpts from the upcoming Vatican document that will bar... Read more


Devotion to Mary growing among Protestants in England

Nov 9, 2005

Devotion to Mary is growing among Anglicans, Fr. Noel Wynn told the New York Times. Fr. Wynn is the director... Read more


Look to Mary for guidance, Madrid cardinal tells families

Nov 9, 2005

During a Mass honoring Our Lady of Almudena, the patroness of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela emphasized the importance... Read more


Analysts up prediction of attendees at November 12 march in Spain to 2 million

Nov 8, 2005

Organizers of a November 12 march in protest of a new government policy on education are now saying they expect... Read more


Cardinal Tomko: only a committed laity will renew Spanish society

Nov 8, 2005

During a visit to Spain this week, Cardinal Jozef Tomko, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, said... Read more


More than half a million expected to protest new law on education in Spain

Nov 7, 2005

The president of the Catholic Confederation of Parents in Spain, Luis Carbonel, announced this week more than half a million... Read more


Archbishop calls on believers to bear witness in the midst of a politically correct society

Nov 7, 2005

Archbishop Javier Martinez of Granada, Spain, called on Christians to “bear witness without timidity” to their communion with the Church... Read more


French bishops express concern in front of urban violence and foster presence of religious communities in neighborhoods

Nov 6, 2005

Archbishop Jean-Pierre Ricard, President of the French bishops conference, along with the French episcopate, published Saturday, a formal declaration regarding... Read more


Number of Russian Muslims converting to Christianity in the millions

Nov 6, 2005

According to the director of the Inter-religious Council in Russia, Roman Silantyev, in the last fifteen years two million Russian-born... Read more