Europe News


Childhood home of John Paul II up for sale

Jan 3, 2006

The Polish news agency PAP reported on Tuesday that two offers have been made to purchase the home where the... Read more


EU Committee on Human Rights Says Doctors Should be Forced to Perform Abortion

Jan 3, 2006

A European Union advisory panel, The EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights has issued a statement that threatens... Read more


Assisted suicide allowed in Swiss hospital as of Jan. 1

Jan 2, 2006

Lausanne University Hospital has decided to permit assisted suicides, effective Jan. 1, and now other leading Swiss hospitals are also... Read more


Scottish Cardinal criticizes ‘gay weddings’ in New Year’s address

Jan 2, 2006

Cardinal Keith O'Brien criticized the Scottish government for failing to uphold traditional family values in his annual New Year’s Day... Read more


Alarming increase in legal abortions in Spain confirms failure of government policies

Jan 2, 2006

In response to a report by the government that legal abortions in Spain were up 6.5% in 2004 from the... Read more


Cubans celebrate re-inauguration of Guantanamo church

Jan 2, 2006

During a homily in his Diocese of Guantanamo-Baracoa in Cuba, Bishop Carlos Baladron said “God has given a great Christmas... Read more


Priest explains growth of Catholicism in central China

Dec 12, 2005

During a recent visit to the headquarters of Aid to the Church in Need, the director of the Catholic Social... Read more


Papal visit to Spain in 2006 confirmed

Dec 12, 2005

Archbishop Agustin Garcia of Valencia, Spain, has confirmed the visit by Pope Benedict XVI to that country in July of... Read more


American scientist to publish book on pre-natal life

Dec 12, 2005

An American scientist is set to publish a crucial new book on the pre-natal behavior of babies that is expected... Read more


Bishop calls for reconciliation, aid in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Dec 11, 2005

Reconciliation and justice are still desperately needed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 10 years after the end of the war, Bishop Ratko Peric... Read more


History of the world and of current-day Church incomprehensible without Vatican II, says Spanish theologian

Dec 11, 2005

In comments marking the 40th anniversary of the close of Vatican II, the renowned Spanish theologian Father Olegario Gonzalez de... Read more


German bishops reveals details about Pope’s planned visit to hometown

Dec 11, 2005

German Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller announced on December 8 that Pope Benedict XVI would visit Bavaria and his own diocese... Read more


Papal trip to Poland could come sooner than expected

Dec 8, 2005

The Polish news agency PAP quoted Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow this week as saying Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to... Read more


Pope makes pilgrimage to Mary statue in Rome, marking the feast of the Immaculate Conception

Dec 7, 2005

After the Mass celebrated in Saint Peters Basilica, Pope Benedict marked the feast of the Immaculate Conception, paying homage to... Read more


Chilean cardinal outlines key points to be discussed at next CELAM meeting

Dec 6, 2005

The President of the Latin American Bishops’ Council (CELAM), Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa of Santiago, Chile, outlined this week... Read more


Spanish Bishops’ Conference official responds to criticism of the Church’s teaching on condoms and AIDS

Dec 6, 2005

The Director of the Office of Information of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, Isidro Catella, responded this week to critics who... Read more


Former Secretary of John Paul II confirms: Critics help in the beatification process.

Dec 6, 2005

The Archbishop of Krakow Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, who during 27 years, former personal secretary of Pope John Paul II, asserted to... Read more


Archbishop says homosexual civil unions will undermine marriage

Dec 5, 2005

An archbishop had urged the government to implement public policy that would support marriage as a new civil partnership for... Read more


Jewish-Catholic relations advance at European meeting

Dec 5, 2005

Catholic and Jewish leaders lauded the improved relations between the two religious groups Dec. 4 at the third European congress... Read more

Dissident theologians participate in the canonization process of Pope John Paul II

Dec 5, 2005

Dissident theologians opposing the beatification of Pope John Paul II have issued an appeal urging Catholics critical of the late... Read more