Europe News


World Youth Day cross begins final push for Cologne, eyes of the world turn to Germany

Jul 5, 2005

On Friday, Catholics around the world will begin the final forty-day countdown before the 11th annual World Youth Day celebration,... Read more


Show the face of Christ to the world, cardinal tells young people attending WYD

Jul 5, 2005

During a press conference on World Youth Day 2005, which will take place in Germany in August, Cardinal Joachim Meisner... Read more


Opposition to same-sex “marriage” is not discrimination against homosexuals

Jul 5, 2005

Bishop Jose Sanchez Gonzalez of Sigüenza-Guadalajara, Spain, said this week opposition to same-sex marriage is not tantamount to discrimination against... Read more

Chinese Government arrests Vatican faithful bishop for the 6th time

Jul 4, 2005

Bishop Julio Jia Zhiguo, 70, member of the China's underground Catholic church, has been arrested for the sixth time in... Read more


200,000 protest poverty ahead of G8 Summit, Vatican voices support

Jul 4, 2005

In light of the commencement of tomorrow’s G8 Summit, which will bring the leaders of the 8 most industrialized nations... Read more


French woman invalidly ordained as ‘priest’

Jul 4, 2005

A French woman who invalidly had herself ‘ordained’ as a Catholic priest on Saturday, is now facing automatic excommunication for... Read more


In Sudan, “Martyrdom is real”, says priest

Jul 4, 2005

Speaking in Liverpool to friends and supporters of the international Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) last... Read more


Huge mosaic of John Paul II being prepared for WYD 2005

Jul 3, 2005

Organizers of the next World Youth Day are preparing a gigantic mosaic containing a depiction of John Paul II.  The... Read more


“We have witnessed the controlled demolition of marriage,” says Archbishop of Valencia

Jun 30, 2005

In his weekly letter, Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia, Spain, decried the “controlled demolition of marriage from within by the... Read more


First Catholic church in Qatar to open in 2006

Jun 30, 2005

In a move that marks the progress made regarding religious freedoms in some Islamic nations, the Gulf state of Qatar... Read more


Cardinal Martino laments approval of homosexual “marriage” in Spain

Jun 30, 2005

The president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Cardinal Renato Martino, expressed his regret at the disregard for... Read more


Religious freedom in danger in Spain, Cuba and Colombia, report says

Jun 30, 2005

A report on religious freedom in 2004 by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) lists Spain, Cuba and Colombia... Read more


Faith building up science: Vatican observatory commences summer program

Jun 30, 2005

Often mistakenly seen as conflicting entities, the Catholic Church is striving to build up the field of science as students... Read more


Gay marriage now legal in Spain

Jun 29, 2005

Spain’s parliament approved a measure legalizing gay unions today, setting aside a veto of the bill by the Senate. The new... Read more


Papacy key to understanding recent history, says Spanish cardinal

Jun 28, 2005

During the celebration of the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, noted... Read more


Spanish bishops encourage use of Compendium in conjunction with full Catechism

Jun 28, 2005

The bishops of Spain have expressed their satisfaction at the publication of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic... Read more


Legislators discredit themselves by support for unjust laws, warns Navarro-Valls

Jun 27, 2005

The director of the Holy See’s Press Office, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, said in Madrid this week that when legislators approve norms... Read more


Expert says real focus in debate over homosexuals being lost

Jun 26, 2005

An expert in family issues from the University of Arkansas said last week Spaniards should be concerned about respecting the... Read more


Catholic woman’s ordination in Central Europe is ‘invalid’: Archbishop Foley

Jun 23, 2005

The secret ordination of a woman in an undisclosed location in Central Europe this week was "not just illicit but... Read more


New book by Pope explains Christian roots of European Union

Jun 22, 2005

During a press conference in which he introduced the new book by Pope Benedict XVI, “The Europe of Benedict: In... Read more