Europe News

Founder of Taizé community murdered, Pope Benedict expresses grief

Aug 16, 2005

Catholics and Protestants alike are shocked today at the stabbing to  death of Brother Roger Schultz, founder of the well... Read more


Emotional, prayerful official opening for WYD

Aug 16, 2005

World Youth Day (WYD) 2005 officially began yesterday afternoon with the opening masses in three large stadiums in Cologne and... Read more

Next WYD will be in Australia, Australian president tells youth

Aug 16, 2005

Australian youth received news from their prime minister, John Howard, that the next World Youth Day is set to take... Read more


Help line offers distressed WYD pilgrims relief

Aug 16, 2005

It’s not always easy being away from home, family and friends and in a new environment, even if it’s one... Read more


Vatican Radio to produce radio theater on Pope Benedict XVI

Aug 16, 2005

According to a German media publication, Vatican Radio is planning to produce a dramatic radio series, similar to the popular... Read more


WYD 2005 is event ‘of two Popes’, says Cardinal Meisner

Aug 15, 2005

World Youth Day 2005 “will be celebrated with two Popes—one in heaven above and the other here on earth,” said... Read more


WYD launched, bishops express hope that event will have international impact

Aug 15, 2005

After three years of careful planning, World Youth Day 2005 has finally arrived, and the German bishops agree that the... Read more


High numbers at WYD 2005

Aug 15, 2005

World Youth Day (WYD) 2005 has recorded the highest number of registrations in WYD history. As of yesterday, 405,000 young... Read more


WYD pilgrims flood Cologne, more than 150,000 to attend opening masses

Aug 15, 2005

The city of Cologne has been invaded by fervent, joyful and energetic Catholic youth—405,000 of them. Pilgrims are everywhere in... Read more


Vatican official: Cologne has become beacon of hope for Europe

Aug 15, 2005

In statements to Vatican Radio, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Archbishop Stanislao Rylko, said that thanks... Read more


WYD builds bridges between north and south, within German communities

Aug 15, 2005

Yvonne Aquino, Aldo Polo and Jorge Rodriguez never thought they would make a two-week pilgrimage to World Youth Day (WYD)... Read more


Vatican cautiously optimistic about future of Church in China, says analyst

Aug 15, 2005

Despite positive signs from the Church in communist China, the Holy See remains cautiously optimistic about the future of Vatican-Beijing... Read more


Hearing impaired choir to perform at Festival of Youth

Aug 15, 2005

As part of the Festival of Youth at World Youth Day Cologne, the St. George Choir which performs using sign... Read more


Latvian cardinal criticizes gay pride parade as ‘absurd’

Aug 15, 2005

On Sunday, speaking to tens of thousands of faithful who had turned out for the Feast of the Assumption of... Read more

Pope grants first interview, speaks on WYD, Christian joy, the crisis in Europe

Aug 14, 2005

In his first interview since being elected to the papacy, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the joy of being Christian... Read more


Italian youth most represented in WYD registrations

Aug 14, 2005

Young people from all over the world have registered for World Youth Day (WYD) in Cologne, Germany, this week. The... Read more


Road to Cologne includes stops at famous pilgrimage sites

Aug 14, 2005

Thousands of young people from around the world are pouring into Cologne, Germany, today for the start of World Youth... Read more


Judicial power in Spain defends right to declare homosexual weddings unconstitutional

Aug 14, 2005

The General Council of the Judiciary in Spain has said it will ask the Ministry of Justice to force the... Read more

Birthplace of Pope Benedict XVI to be turned into museum

Aug 11, 2005

The home where Joseph Ratzinger was born in the small Bavarian town of Marktl am Inn will be turned into... Read more


Jewish leaders praise “historic steps” of Pope Benedict XVI

Aug 11, 2005

Representatives of the Jewish community that will welcome Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to a Cologne synagogue said the... Read more