Europe News


Pope says working to heal rift with Christians is "fundamental" commitment

May 29, 2005

During his apostolic trip to Bari yesterday morning to close the 24th Italian Eucharistic Congress, Pope Benedict XVI promised his... Read more


Spanish television promotes homosexual “marriage” in children’s programming

May 25, 2005

Last Wednesday during the children’s program “Los Lunnis,” the Spanish Television network (TVE) broadcast a segment entitled “Different Weddings,” in... Read more


Pope's death inspires would-be priests in England

May 24, 2005

The death of Pope John Paul II sparked inquiries about the priesthood among young Catholics in the United Kingdom, and... Read more


New primate of Nicaragua: The Gospel needs more witnesses of faith

May 23, 2005

During his installation Mass as Archbishop of Managua, Nicaragua, Archbishop Leopoldo Brenes told those in attendance that “what the Gospel... Read more


Benedict XVI will captivate young people, says Spanish cardinal

May 23, 2005

The Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, said this week he is convinced young people will flock to... Read more


Legionaries of Christ: no canonical process against founder pending at Vatican

May 22, 2005

The spokesman for the Legionaries of Christ, Father Rafael Jacome, L.C., announced on Saturday that the Holy See has informed... Read more


Journalist confirms JP II “escaped” from Vatican to ski in the Apennines

May 16, 2005

Italian journalist Renzo Allegri revealed this week that Pope John Paul II “escaped” incognito from the Vatican on occasion to... Read more


Spain is new Babel without God, says Cardinal Rouco

May 16, 2005

During the Vigil Mass of Pentecost at the Cathedral of La Almudena, the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco... Read more


French study: abortion puts future babies at risk

May 16, 2005

According to a new study released by a group of French scientists, having an abortion may nearly double the risk... Read more


Archbishop of Valencia: Government must respect common good and not impose on majority

May 15, 2005

Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia, Spain, warned this week that “radicalism and the harsh imposition of policies is intolerable” in... Read more


German cardinal: Küng “confusing his own imaginings with the Holy Spirit”

May 15, 2005

In comments to the Spanish daily “La Razon,” the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, dismissed the criticisms of theologian... Read more


Spanish official calls Hispanic immigration from Latin America blessing

May 15, 2005

“Our society does not see Hispanic immigration as a problem, but rather as a blessing,” a prominent local government official... Read more


WYD 2005 awaits Pope “Mozart of Theology,” Cologne’s Cardinal says

May 12, 2005

In an interview with the Spanish daily “La Razon,” the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, said that with the... Read more


Spanish government official supports Church's position on gay unions

May 11, 2005

A prominent Spanish official in charge of social welfare in Valencia is expressing her support for the bishops of Spain... Read more


Archbishop of Burgos: marriage existed before any religion

May 10, 2005

Archbishop Francisco Gil Hellin of Burgos and member of the Committee on the Family and the Defense of Life of... Read more


Spanish mayor calls on Christians in government to act consistent with their faith

May 10, 2005

The mayor of La Coruña, Spain, and President of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Francisco Vazquez, is calling... Read more


Jewish community expresses confidence in new Pope

May 9, 2005

Jewish leaders have expressed their confidence in Pope Benedict XVI, saying that the first two weeks of his papacy show... Read more


Archbishop of Toledo warns homosexual “marriages” contradict natural law

May 9, 2005

Archbishop Antonio Canizares Llovera of Toledo and Vice President of the Bishops Conference of Spain said this week a law... Read more


Spanish bishops: Catholics cannot vote for homosexual “marriage”

May 8, 2005

The Bishops Conference of Spain published an official statement last week reminding Catholics that they are morally obliged not to... Read more


Vatican official says rediscovery of Eucharist needed to counter satanic sacrilege

May 8, 2005

The Secretary for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, says a rediscovery of the Eucharist... Read more