Europe News


Spanish Catholic organization blames Masons for “tremendous crusade” against Church

Sep 26, 2004

The president of the Union of Catholic Professional Fraternities, Luis Labiano, said this week a “tremendous crusade by Masonry against... Read more

BBC scraps Pope cartoon under pressure

Sep 23, 2004

The British Broadcasting Corp. has scrapped the animation series “Popetown”, following the petition signed by more than 6,000 Catholics. Read more


Spanish bishops vow to continue speaking out in order to “awaken” Catholic consciences

Sep 23, 2004

The bishops of Spain expressed this week their intention to continue speaking out “in opportune and timely moments” in an... Read more


Italian young people to hit streets of Rome with message of evangelization

Sep 23, 2004

From October 1-10, some 400 Italian young people will take to the streets of Rome to proclaim the Word of... Read more


Archbishop of Malta urges Christian politicians to live Gospel values and principles

Sep 22, 2004

Maltese Christian politicians had an important role to play in Malta and abroad in proposing, in an effective manner, the... Read more


German bishops hopeful John Paul II will preside at World Youth Day in Cologne

Sep 22, 2004

The Bishops Conference of Germany expressed hope this week that Pope John Paul II will visit Cologne in August of... Read more


Cardinal Rouco denounces experimentation with family and marriage

Sep 22, 2004

The Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, said this week... Read more


Spanish bishops applaud government’s efforts to alleviate world hunger

Sep 21, 2004

Fr. Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, Secretary and Spokesman for the Bishops Conference of Spain, applauded the decision by Spain this... Read more


Moscow disco to be converted into church

Sep 21, 2004

A 24 year-old seminarian and member of the Neocatechumenate has purchased a disco in Moscow and said he intends to... Read more


Cardinal Ratzinger says Turkish membership in EU “anti-historical”

Sep 20, 2004

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said this week the possible entry of... Read more


Cuban Catholics say help needed to evangelize country

Sep 19, 2004

During a visit to the international headquarters of Aid to the Church in Need, a collaborator with the Diocese of... Read more


Anglican Church agrees to reality-TV program ‘Priest Idol’

Sep 16, 2004

The Anglican Church in England has jumped into the fray of reality TV in the hopes of reviving a dying... Read more


Cardinal Castrillon encourages bishops to give a reason for Church’s hope

Sep 13, 2004

Speaking to a group of bishops gathered in Rome this week, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation for... Read more


Doctors denounce Spanish film that presents “sentimental apology for euthanasia”

Sep 13, 2004

The President of the Association of Christian Doctors of Catalonia, Josep Maria Simon, said the movie “Mar adentro,” which was... Read more


Protests against award for pro-abortion British film

Sep 13, 2004

The Associations of Victims of Abortion in Spain lamented this week that the Venice Film Festival gave its top award... Read more


Shoot begins for film on the life of Pope John Paul II

Sep 12, 2004

An Italian production crew has begun shooting for a made-for-TV movie about the life of Pope John Paul II. Read more


Pope “active and in command” according to Archbishop of Pittsburgh

Sep 9, 2004

According to the Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Pittsburgh, who visited the the Holy Father this week, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Quadriplegics demand Spanish government respect for their right to life

Sep 8, 2004

The controversy surrounding positive comments from Spanish government officials regarding a film which depicts a quadriplegic man who committed suicide... Read more


Spanish government would entertain proposals for Euthanasia

Sep 8, 2004

The Spanish Justice Minister, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, said Tuesday that there is currently no bill on the agenda to... Read more


Vatican watcher questions “lack of coherence” in confronting challenge of fanatical Islam

Sep 7, 2004

In a column published this Wednesday, Vatican observer Sandro Magister says many Catholic leaders are suffering from a dangerous “lack... Read more