Europe News


Archbishop compares support for homosexual “marriage” with support for Hitler

Oct 11, 2004

Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo, Spain, said this week a new law that would make homosexual unions equivalent to... Read more


Church in Spain calls for prayer for Spanish Cardinal

Oct 10, 2004

The Church in Spain is asking for prayers for the health of the Archbishop of Madrid and President of the... Read more


Experts warn EU population will begin aging rapidly by 2010

Oct 6, 2004

The European Commission has published a report stating that in the year 2010, the member states of the European Union... Read more


Extremists attempt to make Buddhism Sri Lanka's state religion

Oct 5, 2004

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has reported an attempt by Buddhists extremists in Sri Lanka to make Buddhism the state religion... Read more


Expert warn of radical Islam filling spiritual vacuum in the West

Oct 4, 2004

During Aid to the Church in Need’s annual Mass and Conference in Westminister Cathedral Hall in London on Saturday October... Read more


Chilean ambassador to unveil statue of St. Teresa of the Andes at the Vatican

Oct 4, 2004

Chilean ambassador Ignacio Walker will unveil a statue of the first saint from Chile, St. Teresa of the Andes, at... Read more


Spain’s Archbishop questions concept of “quality” of life that excludes suffering

Oct 4, 2004

Referring to the ongoing debate in Spain regarding euthanasia, Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo, Spain, criticized today’s false prophets... Read more


Legionaries of Christ give birth to European University in Rome

Oct 3, 2004

The Legionaries of Chirst, a congregation of priests founded in Mexico in 1941, have given birth to the European University... Read more


Elderly Italian priest receives award for helping Jews during WWII

Oct 3, 2004

Monsignor Gennaro Verolino, an elderly Italian priest, received the “Per Anger” award last Saturday.  Established by the Swedish government, the... Read more


Aid to the Church in Need sends emergency aid to Haiti

Oct 3, 2004

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has announced it will send emergency assistance to the Diocese of Les Gonaives,... Read more


Making homosexual unions equivalent to marriage is “counterfeit” says Spanish episcopate

Sep 30, 2004

The secretary and spokesman of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Father Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, said this week that making... Read more


Archbishop warns against dangers of “national secularism” in Spain

Sep 30, 2004

Joining the debate in Spain over the place of religion in schools, the Archbishop of Valencia, Agustin Garcia-Gasco, said this... Read more


Irish Archbishop calls for pastoral initiatives to counter “pervasive individualism” in Catholics

Sep 29, 2004

Darmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, said this week during a priestly retreat, that “pervasive individualism” is undermining the nation’s Catholic... Read more


Socialist councilman criticizes Spain’s government offensive against the Church

Sep 29, 2004

A local city councilman in the town of Sestao, Spain, and leader of the movement “Christians for Socialism,” is criticizing... Read more


Socialists postpone proposal for abortion on demand until 2005

Sep 29, 2004

Lawmakers from the ruling Spanish socialist party (PSOE) have decided to withdraw support for proposals to legalize abortion on demand... Read more


Muslim terrorists kill nine young Christians in Iraq

Sep 27, 2004

The International Catholic aid agency Aid to the Church in Need announced on Tuesday that Christians are increasingly becoming the... Read more


Holy see wants multinational force in Iraq, says Vatican observer

Sep 27, 2004

Sandro Magister of the Italian weekly “L’Espresso” is reporting in his column this week that the Holy See is interested... Read more


Cardinal Herranz denounces aggressive “secular fundamentalism” in Spain

Sep 27, 2004

The President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Cardinal Julian Herranz, denounced this week the aggressive “secular fundamentalism” that... Read more


Spanish political party issues clarification regarding reference to Christianity in statutes

Sep 27, 2004

Members of Spain’s Popular Party have rejected efforts to strip their statutes of a reference to “Christian humanism” as a... Read more


Pope to meet with Pakistani leader September 30

Sep 26, 2004

The Press Office of the Holy See has announced that John Paul II will meet with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf... Read more