Europe News


“Christians have much to give in Hollywood”

May 16, 2004

During the First International Symposium on “The educational role of cinema”, which is taking place in Valencia, Spain, American screenwriter... Read more


Source of religious life is holiness, says Vatican prefect

May 16, 2004

Addressing the 800 superiors of major religious congregations gathered in Rome, the Prefect of the Congregation for Consecrated Life, Archbishop... Read more


Troops must leave Iraq soon but not before June 30, says Cardinal Martino

May 13, 2004

The Vatican’s former envoy to the United Nations said yesterday that the U.S.-led coalition forces should pull out of Iraq... Read more


Vatican watcher gives a personal look at new biography of Pope John Paul

May 13, 2004

In order to mark the official publication of the new autobiographical book by Pope John Paul II, “Get Up, Let’s... Read more


Holy See says avoid buying brands produced through child labor

May 12, 2004

A spokesman for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace is calling on believers to avoid buying products that are... Read more


Cuban Church shows ‘positive tendencies,’ bishop says

May 12, 2004

Despite the difficult political and economic situation in Cuba, the Catholic Church in the Caribbean country shows “quite positive tendencies,”... Read more


Italian Catholics debate over Protestant churches

May 11, 2004

The renowned Vatican watcher Sandro Magister analyzes the growing debate among Catholic Italians regarding which Protestant denomonitations should be accepted... Read more


BBC takes reality TV to the monastery

May 11, 2004

The BBC’s latest attempt to take reality TV to a higher level has sceptics wondering if the program’s objectives will... Read more


Spanish families reject distribution of abortion pills to adolescents

May 11, 2004

The Spanish Family Forum is rejecting an announcement by the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, that the morning after... Read more


Irish Archbishop calls on IRA to renounce violence

May 11, 2004

Archbishop Sean Brady of Armagh, is calling on the Irish Republican Army to disarm, saying “violence can never be justified.” Read more


New law would force doctors to perform abortions

May 6, 2004

Numerous health care professionals in Spain are expressing their concern about two bills sponsored by Green party and leftist legislators... Read more


Cardinal Rouco says secularization in the Church a challenge for bishops

May 4, 2004

In his address to the Spanish Bishops Conference meeting this week in Madrid, Conference president Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco said... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Trujillo warns of risk of neo-paganism in Spain

May 3, 2004

Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, is warning that Spain is at risk from... Read more


Patriarch of Venice inaugurates learning center

Apr 29, 2004

Cardinal Angelo Scola, the Patriarch of Venice, inaugurated this week the Studium Generale Marcianum, a new learning center that seeks... Read more


Beatification for doctor and father of five

Apr 29, 2004

The cause for beatification of Dr. Maria Mullerat of Spain has advanced this week, as Archbishop Lluis Martinez of Tarragona... Read more


Chirac confirms illegality of homosexual unions and calls for sanctions

Apr 29, 2004

After the mayor of a small town in France announced he would officiate at the country’s first homosexual wedding, French... Read more


"Blood of the martyrs, seeds of the Church" - International colloquium on the martyrs in Paris

Apr 28, 2004

The martyrs of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Africa were the focus of a one-day colloquium on the martyrs of... Read more


French Justice Minister says homosexual unions “against the law”

Apr 28, 2004

France’s Justice Minister, Dominique Perben, said this week the “marriage” between two homosexuals, which Green party member of parliament and... Read more


Employment should be guaranteed by the state and not by the business world, say Catholic academics in Europe

Apr 26, 2004

According to a revealing study by Italian researchers Luca Diotavelli and Roberto Cipriani, the majority of the Catholic “intelligentsia” in... Read more


Pope invited to visit Lourdes for Anniversary of Immaculate Conception proclamation

Apr 25, 2004

Bishop Jaques Perrier, president of the Bishops Conference of France, has confirmed that Pope John Paul II will travel to... Read more