Middle East - Africa News


Holy Land is safe to visit, says Cardinal Ruini

Apr 21, 2008

Speaking from the Holy Land where he is on pilgrimage, the papal vicar for the Diocese of Rome, Cardinal Camilo... Read more


South African cardinal seeks halt to weapons shipments to Zimbabwe

Apr 19, 2008

The Catholic Church in Southern Africa on Friday urged South Africa President Thabo Mbeki to halt shipment of military equipment... Read more

Yunis Al-Astal

Muslim cleric proclaims Rome will soon be conquered by Islam

Apr 14, 2008

A high profile Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament gave a sermon last Friday in which he... Read more

Robert Mugabe/ Morgan Tsvangirai

Archbishop calls for international mediation to end Zimbabawe election crisis

Apr 12, 2008

The Catholic Church in Southern Africa has called for international mediation to end a political stalemate in Zimbabwe, accusing President... Read more


Benedict XVI prays for murdered Syrian Orthodox priest

Apr 7, 2008

Saturday saw more violence against Christians in Iraq, as an Assyrian Orthodox priest was gunned down outside of his house.... Read more

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)

Abstinence and fidelity programs effective in preventing spread of AIDS, congressman says

Apr 2, 2008

Representative Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican, reported “compelling” evidence of the success of HIV/AIDS prevention programs that emphasize abstinence... Read more

President Robert Mugabe / Morgan Tsvangirai

Leading Mugabe opponent forced into runoff amid vote fraud allegations

Apr 2, 2008

Results from Zimbabwe’s presidential election, held last Saturday, indicate that opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai will defeat President Robert Mugabe.  However,... Read more

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

Saudi monarch proposes monotheistic religious dialogue with “our brothers”

Mar 27, 2008

A proposal for religious dialogue presented by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has prompted warm reactions from several Jewish, Christian,... Read more


Ugandan president teaches Muammar Gaddafi about Christianity

Mar 26, 2008

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda spoke about Christianity to Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in response to the latter’s claim... Read more


Catholic radio station launches new channel with award winnings

Mar 25, 2008

Radio Pacis, a Ugandan radio station, has received the opportunity to launch a second FM frequency thanks to the prize... Read more

Archbishop Pius Ncube

Archbishop Ncube admits to breaking vow of celibacy

Mar 24, 2008

With elections in the beleaguered African country of Zimbabwe less than one week away, Archbishop Pius Ncube has admitted to... Read more


Retiring patriarch gives Easter address to people of Jerusalem

Mar 19, 2008

In his final Easter address, Latin-rite Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah assured the people of his continued prayers for peace... Read more


True liturgical reform must avoid “wild liturgy,” Cardinal Arinze explains

Mar 19, 2008

Cardinal Francis Arinze, the Church’s “liturgist-in-chief,” recently made a speech at an African university in which he criticized liturgical abuses... Read more


Catholics consecrate new church in Qatar

Mar 18, 2008

Despite threats from Islamic radicals, thousands of Christians on Saturday took part in the first Mass to be held at... Read more


German cardinal calls for construction of a church in native land of St. Paul

Mar 18, 2008

The Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, has called on Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdogan to support the construction of a... Read more


We need leaders who foster peace in the Holy Land, says Catholic archbishop

Mar 18, 2008

The Latin-Rite Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Michael Sabbah, said this week, “We need leaders capable of achieving peace, as that... Read more

Vatican in talks to open church in Saudi Arabia

Mar 18, 2008

The Vatican is in negotiations with Saudi Arabia to open the first Catholic Church in the country in modern times,... Read more


Nuncio to Iraq encourages continuation of inter-religious dialogue

Mar 17, 2008

The Apostolic Nuncio to Iraq and Jordan, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt, said the inter-religious dialogue that was encouraged and carried... Read more

Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho

Benedict XVI offers Mass for soul of Iraqi archbishop

Mar 17, 2008

On Monday morning the Holy Father presided at a Mass for the soul of Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho of the... Read more


Nuncio to Iraq asks for security guarantees for Christians

Mar 14, 2008

The apostolic nuncio to Iraq, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt, has called for security guarantees for Iraqi Christians after news of... Read more