Middle East - Africa News


Bishops of South Africa rebuke Mugabe’s role in election crisis

Jun 24, 2008

Following the withdrawal of Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai from the country’s presidential race, the Catholic Bishops of Southern Africa... Read more

Robert Mugabe/ Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez

Zimbabwe partially lifts NGO ban following international criticism

Jun 19, 2008

The government of Zimbabwe has partially lifted a policy banning non-government organizations (NGOs) from entering the country, relenting to humanitarian aid... Read more

Bishop of Portsmouth, Crispian Hollis

Despite tribulations, the light of faith is alive in Iraqi Christians, British bishop says

Jun 19, 2008

In a Mass celebrated on June 16 at the Cathedral of Westminster, the president of the Committee on External Affairs... Read more


Fire destroys Catholic church in Egypt

Jun 18, 2008

Fire destroyed a Coptic Catholic church in the Egyptian town of Kafr el Sheij this week, coming just three weeks... Read more


Holy Father encourages Cameroonians to seek the ‘well-being of everyone’

Jun 16, 2008

Today at the Vatican, Benedict XVI received the Letters of Credence of Antoine Zanga, the new ambassador of Cameroon to... Read more

Joe Burns with his son Mike at Al Taqaddum. Joe departed for the U.S. the next day.

Baghdad Rendezvous

Jun 14, 2008

Twelve years ago, when our son, Mike, enlisted in the Marines right after his eighteenth birthday, I told him that... Read more


Kenyan bishops mourn deaths of two MPs

Jun 11, 2008

Catholic bishops joined other Kenyans in mourning the deaths of two cabinet members who, along with a security officer and... Read more

Global food crisis could close Nigerian seminary

Jun 6, 2008

The global food crisis could close the Catholic seminary in the central Nigerian city of Makurdi by June 20 as... Read more

Mugabe backers detain diplomats from U.S. and Britain

Jun 5, 2008

A group of British and American diplomats traveling to a meeting with the Zimbabwe opposition was stopped at a roadblock... Read more

Four Algerians condemned to prison for converting to Christianity

Jun 4, 2008

Four Algerian citizens who converted to Christianity have been condemned to prison and heavy fines, while two others were set... Read more

Chancellor Ali Babacan

Turkish minister acknowledges lack of religious freedom in country

Jun 4, 2008

Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Relations and top negotiator for the country’s entry into the European Union said this week there... Read more


Germany could its open doors to Iraqi Christians fleeing persecution

Jun 4, 2008

Germany may open its doors to Iraqi Christians fleeing from persecution by Muslim extremists if the countries of the European... Read more

Father Ragheed Ganni

One year after killings, bishops call for reconciliation in Iraq

Jun 4, 2008

One year after the murders of Father Ragheed Ganni and Deacons Basman Yousef Daoud, Ghasan Bidawid and Wahid Hanna, Archbishop... Read more

Archbishop Felix Alaba-Job

Nigerian bishops say development conference must not push for abortion

Jun 4, 2008

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria has called on the Nigerian government to ensure that an international meeting on development... Read more


Marked increase in number of pilgrims visiting Holy Land

Jun 2, 2008

Auxiliary Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo of Jerusalem told L’Osservatore Romano this week that there has been a marked increase in the... Read more


Gunmen invade home of Nigerian archbishop in possible assassination attempt

May 30, 2008

Suspected assassins invaded the home of Archbishop Alaba Job on Wednesday night, wielding guns and demanding to see the archbishop. ... Read more


Algerian archbishop calls on Muslim government to free convert to Christianity

May 29, 2008

Archbishop Emeritus Henri Teissier of Algeria has called on that country’s government to free Christian convert Habiba Kouider, who was... Read more

Pope praises Uganda’s AIDS prevention program

May 29, 2008

Among Pope Benedict XVI’s meetings today was the reception of nine new ambassadors to the Vatican, an unusually high number.... Read more


Custodian of Holy Land praises Middle East diplomatic progress

May 24, 2008

Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custodian of the Holy Land, on Thursday praised the official announcement of Israel-Syria negotiations and the recent... Read more


Lebanese leaders agree to end political violence

May 22, 2008

Rival Lebanese leaders on Wednesday reached an agreement to end 18 months of political conflict. Read more