US News


New California organization to assist in work of post-abortion recovery

May 12, 2005

A new organization has dedicated itself to providing training for post-abortion counseling and creating an international network of abortion-recovery programs. Read more

Appointment of Archbishop Levada to the CDF “just a rumor” official say

May 11, 2005

The spokesman for the Archdiocese of San Francisco dismissed as "rumors" recent reports announcing that Archbishop William Joseph Levada was... Read more


Pro-life group falsely accuses Catholic hospital, says Catholic League

May 11, 2005

Claims made by a pro-life group that Providence Alaska Medical Center, a Catholic hospital, is performing abortions are "patently untrue,"... Read more


Jesuit's Boston College to comply with laws favoring homosexuals

May 11, 2005

Boston College will change its nondiscrimination statement and make it more welcoming to homosexual students and employees.  Read more


Student sues high school for prohibiting pro-life shirt

May 11, 2005

A junior at Fillmore Central High School near Buffalo, N.Y, has filed a federal lawsuit against his school district for... Read more


U.S. Bishops launch immigration reform campaign

May 10, 2005

Yesterday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) announced a broad-sweeping new campaign aimed at reforming the country’s immigration policies. Read more


Resignation of America editor worries some Catholic journalists

May 10, 2005

The forced resignation of Fr. Tom Reese as editor of America magazine has created a wave of reaction among Catholic... Read more


Denver critic: $150 million can’t buy Kingdom of Heaven a decent plot

May 9, 2005

Billed as what was to be one of the summer’s major blockbusters, Ridley Scott’s new big-dollar action film, Kingdom of... Read more


Homosexual leader lashes heavy criticism to gay movement

May 9, 2005

A leader in the national homosexual community has admonished homosexuals for their inability to take responsibility for their actions and... Read more


Hackers break into Catholic League website

May 9, 2005

Last weekend, the web site of the New York-based, Catholic League was hacked and uploaded with a message insulting U.S.... Read more


Group blows whistle on Catholic colleges at odds with bishops’ directives

May 9, 2005

A national organization has blown the whistle on 13 Catholic colleges and universities, which have disregarded a directive of the... Read more


Archbishops Gomez, Chaput, to attend National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

May 9, 2005

Organizers recently announced that San Antonio’s Archbishop Jose Gomez and Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput will join Catholics from around the... Read more


Korean sisters gather in Colorado for 12th annual conference

May 9, 2005

51 Korean religious sisters working across North America have gathered in the Colorado mountains this week and last, for period... Read more


Editor of controversial Jesuit magazine quits

May 8, 2005

The longtime editor of the international Jesuit magazine "America" has resigned after years of tension, sparking speculations about the reasons... Read more


U.S. bishops file amicus brief in assisted-suicide case

May 8, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and other religious organizations jointly filed a friend-of-the-court brief Friday, declaring that the... Read more


Archbishop Flynn will not allow communion to become ‘battleground’

May 8, 2005

Minnesota’s Archbishop Harry Flynn has decided to take a stand against what he sees as a protest by a national... Read more


US bishops urge Congress to evaluate free-trade agreement with moral criteria

May 5, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) are urging Congress to evaluate the Central American Free... Read more


Cardinal George urges legislators to reject embryonic stem-cell research measure

May 5, 2005

Illinois legislators should reject a measure that would support embryonic stem-cell research with public funds, said Chicago’s archbishop. Read more


Cardinal George calls on Illinois governor to renig pharmacist-abortion order

May 5, 2005

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago is asking state governor Rod Blagojevich to back off on a law, which requires pharmacists... Read more


Court rules lawsuits against diocese can move ahead

May 5, 2005

The Mississippi Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the First Amendment does not prohibit lawsuits against the Diocese of Jackson over... Read more