US News


Hundreds of university students welcomed news of Pope Benedict with cheers

Apr 25, 2005

Amid concerns that the new Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI is out of touch with the modern Church, especially its... Read more


Clinton ignores dialogue with pro-life groups for two months

Apr 25, 2005

Senator Hillary Clinton has declined to meet with a coalition of pro-life organizations for the last two months. Read more


Boston archdiocese hopes to raise $12M

Apr 25, 2005

Archbishop Sean O'Malley of Boston launched the annual Catholic Appeal yesterday. The goal is $12 million and the archbishop is... Read more


Poll: Most Catholic physicians favor treatment contrary to Church teaching

Apr 25, 2005

A very large number of Catholic physicians morally support several medical and ethical issues, which are contrary to Church teaching... Read more


Madison Bishop calls suicide-minded living wills a mortal sin

Apr 24, 2005

In the wake of the recent death of Terri Schiavo and the new national discussion on living wills, Bishop Robert... Read more


Catholic school system shrinks despite success

Apr 24, 2005

Catholic schools outperform public schools, says education expert Myron Lieberman. Yet, the number of Catholic schools that are closing continues... Read more


Oregon priests predict surprises, leadership from Benedict XVI

Apr 24, 2005

Catholic should be wise and not put their leaders “in a box,” Fr. Gary Zerr told the Stateman Journal, referring... Read more


German-American Catholics see new Pope as sign of redemption

Apr 24, 2005

There is great pride in the German-American community that the current Pope is their fellow countryman. Parishioners at the German... Read more


Preservationists suspect Newport building housed first Catholic church

Apr 24, 2005

A Newport building slated for condominiums may have housed the oldest Catholic Church in Rhode Island, says the Rhode Island... Read more


Jewish community confident that Pope Benedict will continue to build relationship

Apr 21, 2005

Many have praised the papacy of John Paul II for the tremendous strides it made in bridging the divide between... Read more


Catholic group opposes honor for Senator Clinton

Apr 21, 2005

Marymount Manhattan College has planned to honor Senator Hillary Clinton (D—N.Y.) with an honorary doctorate but a Catholic group is... Read more


Democrats reveal plan to reduce abortions

Apr 21, 2005

Democrats unveiled a policy proposal yesterday, which is intended to reduce the number of abortions in the United States. The... Read more


Archbishop Burke: German Catholics should be proud

Apr 21, 2005

As the world watches to see what the first moves of Pope Benedict XVI will be, St. Louis’ Archbishop Raymond... Read more


U.S. Bishops look hopefully to Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 20, 2005

As Pope Benedict XVI begins to take his place as spiritual shepherd of over 1 billion Catholics, bishops across the... Read more


Howard Center President Shares Memories of Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 20, 2005

The Howard Center For Family, Religion and Society believes Pope Benedict XVI “will be a strong voice for the natural... Read more


World leaders look hopefully to new pontificate

Apr 19, 2005

As the world looks to Pope Benedict XVI to fill the giant shoes of Pope John Paul II, leaders from... Read more


Archbishop Chaput calls election of Pope Benedict ‘a tremendous moment for the Church’

Apr 19, 2005

Archbishop Charles Chaput, leader of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Denver is welcoming Pope Benedict XVI, formerly, Cardinal... Read more


New Pope knows US Church, says USCCB president

Apr 19, 2005

“I have always found him to be very open and pastoral, with a listening ear, especially sensitive to the situation... Read more


Pro-life groups embrace and support Pope Benedict XVI

Apr 19, 2005

Numerous pro-life groups are enthusiastic about the election of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as the next Pope, praising his track record... Read more


New Pope's name focuses on need to evangelize Europe, expert says

Apr 19, 2005

Contrary to earlier media reports, the name taken by the new Pope, Benedict XVI, was not inspired by the former... Read more