US News


CWA says Supreme Court should uphold Ten Commandments displays

Mar 1, 2005

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is cautiously optimistic that the U.S. Supreme Court will affirm the constitutionality of public displays... Read more


US bishops applaud Supreme Court decision revoking death penalty for juveniles

Mar 1, 2005

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) applauds the Supreme Court’s decision to revoke the death penalty for juvenile... Read more


President invites Catholic schools to offer supplemental services through state program

Mar 1, 2005

President George Bush and the Secretary of Education have encouraged Catholic schools and their leaders to consider being providers of... Read more


New bishop of Saginaw seeks to nurture vocations

Mar 1, 2005

The currents are set to change in the Diocese of Saginaw with the recent arrival of a new bishop.  Read more


Catholic Couple goes on-line with Marriage prep course

Mar 1, 2005

Christian and Christine Meert are helping Catholics from as far away as India, Poland and even Iraq, prepare for Catholic... Read more


Judicial Confirmation group fighting ‘attacks’ against President’s nominees

Mar 1, 2005

The Washington-based Judicial Confirmation network, recently began mobilizing a fight to halt what they call “blatantly partisan and personal attacks... Read more


Denver Archbishop calls praise for Oscar winning ‘Million Dollar Baby’ a ‘stretch’

Feb 28, 2005

In his column last week, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver called Clint Eastwood’s ‘Million Dollar Baby’, which took top honors... Read more


Women’s group applauds Kansas attorney general for defending victims of child rape

Feb 28, 2005

Concerned Women for America (CWA) applauds Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline for seeking to defend victims of child rape.  Read more


Pope’s resiliency Angers Newsweek

Feb 28, 2005

Catholic League president William Donohue says Newsweek should “pull the plug” on columnist Christopher Dickey after he suggested in an... Read more


Facts about Terri Schiavo indicate her life should be saved, says pro-life leader

Feb 28, 2005

Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International, is calling on all Americans to refrain from being swayed by pro-euthanasia... Read more


Christian ethicist questions integrity of Terri Schiavo’s husband

Feb 28, 2005

Michael Schiavo’s lawyer, George Felos, told the Florida Baptist Witness that his client “deeply loves Terri” and “simply is not... Read more


US officials in Miami to apologize to Cuban cardinal

Feb 28, 2005

US officials are expected to present an official apology to Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino of Havana, Cuba, after the Vatican... Read more


Nearly 5,000 teens take stand for purity

Feb 28, 2005

John Ellis and the Christian rock band Tree 63 traveled all the way from South Africa to join nearly 5,000... Read more


Judge gives Schiavo’s husband green light to remove feeding tube

Feb 27, 2005

In a devastating announcement for pro-life advocates and the family of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, Florida Judge George Greer gave Michael... Read more


‘Abortion not a human right’, US tells UN conference

Feb 27, 2005

The United States is demanding that the United Nations adopt an amendment to a 10-year-old landmark platform on women’s rights,... Read more


Lawyer argues divorce case should be transferred to Church tribunal

Feb 27, 2005

An Ohio woman’s fight to save her Catholic marriage from civil no-fault divorce took another important turn when Ave Maria... Read more


Pope still able to lead Church despite frailties, says Chicago cardinal

Feb 27, 2005

Pope John Paul II's current health should not affect his ability to lead the Catholic Church, Chicago archbishop Francis Cardinal... Read more


Catholic-Jewish project to fight AIDS in Africa

Feb 27, 2005

This week, Catholic and Jewish leaders are expected to discuss how the two religious groups can work together to stop... Read more


Conference equips over 2000 for New Evangelization

Feb 27, 2005

Friday and Saturday, thousands of Catholics from all around the Colorado region descended on the Denver International Airport Holiday Inn... Read more


Pope calls ‘Christ and the Church’ center Msgr. Giussani’s life

Feb 24, 2005

The Vatican announced today that a letter of condolences from the Holy Father sent Tuesday was read during the funeral... Read more