US News


Pro-lifers provide outreach at abortion chaplain's funeral

Nov 1, 2004

Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life Christian organization, conducted a peaceful outreach outside the public funeral service for an abortion centre... Read more


Thousands turn out for the D.C. funeral of Cardinal Hickey

Oct 31, 2004

More than 2,500 gathered at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Oct. 30 for the funeral... Read more


Spokane diocese may face bankruptcy

Oct 31, 2004

The Diocese of Spokane may file for bankruptcy protection if attorneys do not reach a settlement with 28 alleged victims... Read more


Catholic vote should be based on issue of abortion and same-sex marriage, says bishop

Oct 31, 2004

Bishop David A. Zubik of Green Bay issued a note in church bulletins this week urging Catholics to vote in... Read more


Kerry defends abortion on Hispanic television network

Oct 28, 2004

In a brief interview with the Hispanic television network Univision, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry justified his support for abortion... Read more


Gibson goes public, opposes California’s embryonic stem-cell research ballot measure

Oct 28, 2004

Mel Gibson has come out strongly against a California ballot measure that would permit state funding for embryonic stem-cell research... Read more


U.S. bishops join delegation in pressing Annan to aid Sudan crisis

Oct 28, 2004

The international community should step up its pressure on Sudan to bring an end to the crisis in Darfur, a... Read more


Parish reprimanded, pulls Gay Pride material from Web site

Oct 28, 2004

The pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish said he would comply with an order from the Vatican to remove... Read more


Retreats give healing to post-abortive women

Oct 28, 2004

Catholic clergy of Peoria gathered for a seminar Tuesday to learn how to minister to women experiencing post-abortion trauma and... Read more


Bishop Loverde says people must vote to protect human life

Oct 27, 2004

The protection of human life is the first principle on which people must base their decision for the upcoming elections,... Read more


People are architects, builders and bridges of peace, says Migliore at UN

Oct 27, 2004

Addressing the Plenary Session of the U.N. General Assembly yesterday on ‘A Culture of Peace,’ Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Holy See... Read more


‘Catholic’ group asks IRS to revoke charity status of second archdiocese

Oct 27, 2004

An abortion-rights group has asked the IRS to revoke the public charity status of yet another archdiocese. Catholics for a... Read more


Catholic groups run ads to counter previous ad that says abortion should not be sole election issue

Oct 27, 2004

Several Catholic groups have placed ads in The Pittsburgh Catholic to counter a previous ad, which says Catholics should not... Read more


Vermont bishop requests no sign of peace or wine be given to parishioners as ‘protective measure’ from flu

Oct 27, 2004

Catholics in Vermont have been asked to abstain from giving the sign of peace and receiving Communion from the chalice... Read more


Abortionists request suspension of tax-exempt status of archdiocese, Catholic League counterattacks

Oct 26, 2004

A pro-abortion group that claims to be Catholic has requested that the tax-exempt status of the Archdiocese of Denver be... Read more


Ambassador Flynn urges Catholics to take their values to the polls

Oct 26, 2004

A former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican released a statement yesterday calling on Catholics to exercise “responsible citizenship” and take... Read more


Florida's Catholic bishops voice voting principles

Oct 26, 2004

Florida's nine bishops have joined other episcopal state conferences is issuing a statement in parishes this past weekend that urges... Read more


New Hampshire bishop issues Catholic voter’s guide

Oct 26, 2004

The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, has issued a teaching guide for voters that says abortion, the destruction of human... Read more


Religious beliefs, freedom, not threat to peace but an "enduring resource" against terrorism

Oct 26, 2004

Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations, at a committee meeting on the issue of the... Read more


The five most important issues for Catholic voters

Oct 26, 2004

Abortion, "right to die" legislation, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and same sex marriage are the five fundamental and... Read more