US News


Family Research Council to team up with John Kerry on issue of Free Speech

Oct 19, 2004

In a letter to Senator John Kerry, the Family Research Council has formally requested that the Democratic presidential candidate sponsor... Read more


Bishops urge voters to reject abortion, stem-cell research during pro-life rally

Oct 19, 2004

Led by their bishops, about 1,500 Catholics rallied at the Statehouse in Trenton, Oct. 18, to urge political leaders and... Read more


Diocesan lawyers ban Catholic voting guides

Oct 19, 2004

Officials in three U.S. dioceses have instructed pastors and parish administrators not to distribute the "Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics,"... Read more


Archbishop of Lima leads celebration of Peruvian devotion in New York

Oct 19, 2004

The Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, celebrated the traditional Peruvian October devotion of Our Lord of the Miracles... Read more


Catholic Music Network launches new and interactive website

Oct 19, 2004, one of the most important websites for Catholic music during the last four years, has announced it is launching... Read more


Catholics for Kerry claim Kerry "right" and Bush "wrong" for Catholics

Oct 19, 2004

Advocates for Sen. Kerry’s bid for the presidency, Catholics for Kerry, have published a list of reasons claiming that Sen.... Read more


Catholics demand that Kerry be coherent with faith before alleged "big Catholic statement"

Oct 19, 2004

A significant number of Catholic leaders around the U.S. have published an Open Letter to Sen. John Kerry this morning... Read more


Elite university students publish ad defending right to life

Oct 19, 2004

Students from 14 of America’s elite universities, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Georgetown, and MIT, have published an ad for... Read more


Anglicans express disappointment, regret after no solution is reached over homosexual bishop

Oct 18, 2004

The Anglican Communion Network and the American Anglican Council are deeply saddened that within minutes of the Windsor Report’s release,... Read more


Bishop urges prayers to patron saint of politicians to stop abortion

Oct 18, 2004

Bishop Michael Saltarelli of Wilmington, Del., has distributed a prayer to St. Thomas More to parishes and Catholic schools, asking... Read more


Priest debunks myth that Church is opposed to stem-cell research

Oct 18, 2004

A Catholic priest and director of education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Boston attended the seventh annual BioFlorida... Read more


University student group sues for right to remain Christian

Oct 18, 2004

The Christian Legal Society is suing Pennsylvania State University on behalf of a Christian student group, after the university has... Read more


Archbishop of Seattle says he revealed ‘homosexual culture’ in seminaries during the 70's

Oct 17, 2004

In a recent interview with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett said he revealed the homosexual culture that was... Read more

Bush and Kerry answer why Catholics should vote for them

Oct 14, 2004

In an exclusive interview with the Catholic Digest, presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush each gave... Read more


Judge rules mountaintop cross can stay

Oct 14, 2004

A ruling by a federal court judge Oct. 12 stopped plans by the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association to remove a... Read more


Kerry misleads nation on Catholicism, says Catholic League

Oct 14, 2004

Catholic League president William Donohue said the remark Senator John Kerry made about abortion during the final debate of the... Read more


Free copies of Catholic ‘voter’s guide’ made available

Oct 14, 2004

A Catholic organization has made their voter’s guide for Catholics available for free on its Web site. Read more


Attack on Catholic health care unwarranted, based on errors of fact

Oct 13, 2004

A recent Boston Globe article, which targeted Catholic health care providers and laws that protect them from participating in abortion,... Read more


Judge orders Church documents be made public in sex-abuse case

Oct 13, 2004

The files of Catholic priests, accused of sexual abuse, should be made public, a California judge said in a tentative... Read more


New Catholic University holds inaugural gala

Oct 13, 2004

New Catholic University (NCU) held its inaugural gala Sept. 25 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla. Read more