US News


Abortion still top concern among Catholic investors

Dec 14, 2004

In a Top Ten list of issues, about which Catholic investors in 2004 are most concerned, abortion takes first place,... Read more


Independent initiatives mark Catholic school rebirth in Chicago

Dec 14, 2004

New Catholic schools are opening and flourishing in the Archdiocese of Chicago, thanks to committed parents and the investments of... Read more


Democrat governor of Louisiana defends abstinence program against ACLU charges

Dec 13, 2004

Gov. Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, a Democrat, responded to charges by the American Civil Liberties Union that Louisiana’s abstinence program... Read more


Circuit court hears New York City Nativity case

Dec 13, 2004

Oral arguments were presented yesterday in a case over whether the Nativity scene can be displayed in New York City... Read more


Faithful spark cause for canonization for Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Dec 13, 2004

The cause for sainthood for the most popular TV bishop in the United States – whose program led many to... Read more


Statue vandalized at Knoxville Catholic offices

Dec 13, 2004

Police are investigating a disturbing case of vandalism that struck the Chancery Office of the Diocese of Knoxville. Read more


Veneration of Guadalupe statue in Methodist church sparks controversy

Dec 12, 2004

Some Hispanic members of “Amor de Dios” United Methodist Church in Chicago celebrated the traditional feast day of Our Lady... Read more


Wave of divorce follows Massachusetts’ same-sex weddings

Dec 12, 2004

Several same-sex couples in Massachusetts have begun seeking divorces less than seven months after they were given the legal right... Read more


Our Lady of Guadalupe honored by Catholics across U.S.

Dec 12, 2004

Catholic Latinos across the United States celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas, with... Read more


Catholic Charities report clients' greatest need is for emergency services

Dec 12, 2004

A recent survey conducted by Catholic Charities USA has revealed that the greatest needs of the clients of local Catholic... Read more


Denver archbishop: ‘scrub’ words ‘Happy Holidays’ from Catholic vocabulary

Dec 9, 2004

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver has urged his faithful to “scrub” the expression “Happy Holidays” from Catholic vocabulary. Read more


Pro-Life demonstrators make First Amendment appeal to Supreme Court

Dec 9, 2004

Pro-life demonstrators, who were arrested at a Kansas City intersection in June 2001 because of the complaints of passers-by that... Read more


St. Paul Cathedral's bells to toll again for Christmas

Dec 9, 2004

The bells will ring this Christmas at the Cathedral of St. Paul. Read more


Two rulings expected on whether public displays of Nativity are permissible

Dec 9, 2004

Two judges are expected to rule next week in separate cases on whether the Christian Nativity scene can be displayed... Read more

Bishop Wilton Gregory, former USCCB President, new Archbishop of Atlanta

Dec 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II has named the Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, untill now Bishop of Belleville, as the sixth... Read more


National Shrine Rector Named West Virginia Bishop

Dec 8, 2004

Pope John Paul II has named Msgr. Michael J. Bransfield, rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the... Read more


Pro-family organizaton responds to California Attorney General on “freedom of conscience attack”

Dec 8, 2004

A leading pro-family organization, Campaign for Children and Families, issued a response to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer’s announcement yesterday... Read more


“Icon for immigrants” given a home in parish church known as haven for immigrants

Dec 8, 2004

A life-sized statue of Christ found floating in the Rio Grande last year has been donated to Our Lady of... Read more


HLI urges Bush administration to rescind population-control policy

Dec 8, 2004

An international pro-life organization called upon the United States government to revoke its radical population-control policy at a press conference... Read more


Vandals target Jesus statue

Dec 8, 2004

A Catholic church in Delaware was vandalized Dec. 6, for the third time in recent weeks. This time, a bronze... Read more