US News


U.S. Bishop urges Bush to reconsider travel restrictions to Cuba

Jul 28, 2004

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement July 27, urging the Bush administration to reconsider the recent restrictions... Read more


Pro-life group files suit to challenge broadcast ban, defend freedom of speech

Jul 28, 2004

In an effort to defend its freedom of speech and run an advertising campaign as a grass-roots organization, Wisconsin Right... Read more


Attorney urges author-priest to expose 'ring of predators'

Jul 27, 2004

Attorney Sheila Schreiber-Parkhill has urged sociologist and author Fr. Andrew Greeley to expose priests who he knows to be abusing... Read more


Pro-abortion group requests IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of pro-life group

Jul 27, 2004

Catholics for a Free Choice has filed a complaint with the IRS, asking it to revoke the tax-exempt status of... Read more


Democrats break with tradition; don’t invite Boston archbishop to convention

Jul 26, 2004

In a break from tradition, the Democratic Party did not invite the archbishop of Boston to offer a blessing at... Read more


Bishop Carlson says prayer needs a boost among Catholics

Jul 26, 2004

Prayer must become an important part of every Christian’s daily life, said Bishop Robert Carlson of Sioux Falls at the... Read more


Kerry floats on abortion issue to win Catholic vote, says Catholic League

Jul 25, 2004

In a press release issued on Friday, Catholic League president William Donohue accused Senator John Kerry of floating on the... Read more


Governor removes link to Planned Parenthood site after bishop’s letter

Jul 25, 2004

The governor of South Dakota has asked that a link to a Planned Parenthood teen site be removed from the... Read more


Teacher’s union presses Archdiocese of Philadelphia for elections

Jul 25, 2004

The Association of Catholic Teachers has put pressure on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to let the 125 custodians and maintenance... Read more

Marriage Protection Act only a temporary solution, Pro-family groups say

Jul 22, 2004

Major pro-family groups congratulated the House of Representatives for passing the Marriage Protection Act, but said it is only a... Read more


Pro-Life Democrats puzzled by DNC pro-abortion platform

Jul 22, 2004

Just one day after the Democratic National Committee invited the Democrats For Life of America to attend their convention next... Read more


New Catholics not detracted by abuse crisis, say their faith is holding strong

Jul 22, 2004

Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, who are new to the Church, say their faith has not been deterred by... Read more


Press report reveals Catholic lawmakers ignore bishops

Jul 22, 2004

An Associated Press report reveals that Catholic lawmakers are ignoring the U.S. bishops’ statements that those who support abortion should... Read more


Archbishop Brunett defends pastoral letter, involvement of Church in public life

Jul 21, 2004

Separation of church and state does not mean that Catholics should not bring universal principles and values to the public... Read more


Pro-life speakers not excluded at Democratic national convention

Jul 21, 2004

For the first time in years, the Democratic National Committee is not excluding pro-life democrats from the national convention. Read more


Baltimore archdiocese forbids pro-lifer walkers to speak at parishes

Jul 21, 2004

Twelve Catholic college students, taking part in a 1,300-mile walk to spread a pro-life message, received word that the Archdiocese... Read more


Terri’s parents say she would not want her life terminated due to Catholic beliefs

Jul 20, 2004

The parents of a brain-damaged woman, at the center of a right-to-die case, said their daughter would not want to... Read more


Legal watchdog to keep fighting for cross in L.A. County seal

Jul 20, 2004

The Thomas More Law Center,  a legal organization based in Ann Arbour, vowed yesterday to fight in order to keep... Read more


New Catholic University plans to create next generation of country’s leaders

Jul 20, 2004

A new Catholic university is planning to open its doors in San Diego in the fall of 2005.  The educational... Read more


Survey finds Protestants losing membership, Catholics remaining steady

Jul 20, 2004

Protestants may soon account for less than half of the United States population for the first time since the country's... Read more