US News


Archbishop Gomez launches Latino-oriented educational service on political life

Sep 29, 2008

Archbishop of San Antonio José Gomez, who is also the founder of the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL), has... Read more


Poor box at SS. Peter and Paul hits million milestone

Sep 28, 2008

Week in and week out, parishioners of all ages at SS. Peter and Paul Parish thoughtfully slip cash — and... Read more


New technique advances embryonic stem cell alternative

Sep 27, 2008

Researchers have refined an experimental process that could produce stem cells without needing to create and destroy human embryos. The... Read more

Most Rev. Jamie Soto, Coadjutor Bishop of Sacramento

Bishop Soto’s defense of Church teaching at gay ministry conference draws attendees’ ire

Sep 27, 2008

Jaime Soto, the coadjutor bishop of Sacramento, addressed the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries conference in... Read more


Wisconsin court rules that assisting in suicide is not ‘killing’

Sep 27, 2008

The Wisconsin District 4 Court of Appeals on Thursday ruled that the wife and the daughter of a Wisconsin man... Read more


Virginia State Police chaplains resign over ban on ‘Jesus’ words

Sep 26, 2008

At least five Virginia State Police chaplains have resigned after being told they must refrain from using words like "Jesus"... Read more pulls full version of video on abortion and Hispanics

Sep 26, 2008 has pulled the complete Spanish version of the pro-life video “The Hard Truth” as presented by Mexican actor Eduardo Verastegui.... Read more

Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Archbishop Chaput to answer questions about new book, ‘Render Unto Caesar’

Sep 26, 2008

This afternoon, Denver Archbishop, Charles J. Chaput will respond to questions and discuss his recent book, "Render Unto Caesar: Serving... Read more

California parental consent proposal leading in polls

Sep 26, 2008

A new poll shows that California likely voters tend to support the ballot proposal Proposition 4, which would require abortionists... Read more


U.S. Representatives send protest letter to Vietnamese president

Sep 25, 2008

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, a California Democrat, along with other U.S. House members, has written a letter to Vietnam’s President Nguyen... Read more

Mark Stricherz

Democratic analyst: The Party has been hijacked by secularist elites

Sep 25, 2008

The Democratic Party has been hijacked by elites hostile to religion, said Mark Stricherz, author of the book "Why Democrats... Read more


Obama faith adviser cancels appearance at D.C. faith forum

Sep 25, 2008

Rev. E. Terri LaVelle, senior adviser on Religious Affairs for Obama, canceled a Tuesday appearance at a Reese Roundtable faith... Read more


Planned Parenthood affiliate removes ‘lewd’ videos from web site

Sep 25, 2008

A series of “lewd” videos produced by the Columbia-Willamette, Oregon affiliate of Planned Parenthood has been taken down from the... Read more

David Bereit, Director of the 40 Days for Life Campaign

National 40 Days for Life fall campaign launches as elections approach

Sep 24, 2008

The 40 Days for Life Campaign launched its 179-city fall program on Wednesday in South Bend, Indiana. The community-based campaign... Read more

Dr. Alveda King

Minority women disproportionately abort even as overall rate declines, study says

Sep 24, 2008

A study of abortion trends in the U.S. claims that the abortion rate is now at its lowest level since... Read more

Eduardo Verástegui

Famous Mexican actor rips Obama over abortion, warns U.S. Latinos

Sep 24, 2008

The movie star Eduardo Verástegui has recorded a special video message to encourage Hispanic voters in the U.S. to put an... Read more

Dr. Bernard Nathanson

Former abortion doctor urges South Dakotans to vote for life

Sep 23, 2008

Pro-life activists in South Dakota have launched a television ad featuring Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the founding members of... Read more

Cardinal Justin Rigali

Cardinal Rigali warns that FOCA makes abortion on demand a ‘national entitlement’

Sep 23, 2008

Cardinal Justin Rigali, the chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has written a letter to the U.S.... Read more


Leading Catholic entrepreneur pens book on how people should relate to money

Sep 23, 2008

Many in our society view money as a “necessary evil.”  Instead, entrepreneur and author, Frank Hanna explains, “money is a... Read more


Archbishop of Newark’s sci-fi novel Space Vulture selling ‘decently’

Sep 22, 2008

A new science-fiction novel co-authored by Archbishop of Newark John J. Myers and “Roger Rabbit” creator Gary K. Wolf has... Read more