US News


Archbishop of Military Services promises to recruit chaplains

Feb 3, 2008

The new archbishop of Military Services, Timothy P. Broglio, pledged to address the alarming shortage of Catholic chaplains during his... Read more


Pro-life victory in the ninth circuit

Feb 2, 2008

The License Plate Commission of the state of Arizona violated free-speech rights when it refused to issue specialty license plates... Read more


Dallas lawyer addresses the Catholic position on immigration

Feb 2, 2008

With an estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the United States, immigration is an unavoidable issue in the upcoming 2008... Read more


Rick Santorum endorses Mitt Romney for president

Feb 1, 2008

Mitt Romney scored a victory in the political endorsement battle today, as Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator from Pennsylvania... Read more


Boston gym’s ad featuring nuns and a naked man draws fire

Feb 1, 2008

A Boston-area fitness club’s advertisement depicting nuns and a naked man has attracted harsh criticism, CBS News reports. Read more

Full itinerary for Pope's U.S. visit released

Jan 31, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI’s itinerary for his first papal visit to the United States has been released and includes a wide range... Read more


Coalition of Colorado religious charities unites against discrimination bill

Jan 31, 2008

Several faith-based organizations are protesting a proposed Colorado law that would forbid charities which receive government funds from using religious-based... Read more

Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado L.C.

Legionaries of Christ founder passes away

Jan 31, 2008

Father Álvaro Corcuera, General Director of the Legionaries of Christ, announced today that their Founder, Father Marcial Maciel Degollado, has... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver

Denver archbishop continues to address Colorado bill

Jan 31, 2008

In an interview with Rocky Mountain News, Archbishop Charles Chaput further explained his position on a proposed Colorado law that... Read more


California abortionist to be tried for practicing medicine without a license

Jan 31, 2008

The owner of a California abortion clinic chain faces trial on charges of practicing medicine without a license, Operation Rescue... Read more

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

Austrian cardinal to present book on creation and evolution in San Francisco

Jan 31, 2008

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, will give an official presentation of his new book on creation and evolution in... Read more

US Bishops' ad campaign targeted for suppression in San Francisco

Jan 30, 2008

A pro-life campaign sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Bishops has drawn the ire of a San Francisco chapter of Planned... Read more


Pro-life film festival launched in San Francisco

Jan 30, 2008

Inspired by major artistic events held at Cannes and Sundance, pro-lifers are organizing the first ever pro-life film festival, Ignatius... Read more


Archbishop of Cincinnati says “Bodies...The Exhibition” undermines human dignity

Jan 29, 2008

The Archbishop of Cincinnati has commented on the “Bodies...The Exhibition” presentation opening in Cincinnati, calling it “unseemly and inappropriate” and... Read more


New Vatican document could spark resurgence of Catholic schools, says American archbishop

Jan 29, 2008

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of San Antonio, said a recent document by the Vatican could spark a resurgence of Catholic... Read more

Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes and Archbishop Charles Chaput

Vatican cardinal sides with Denver archbishop in debate over Catholic Charities

Jan 29, 2008

At a press conference today on the Pope’s Lenten Message, Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes offered his support for Archbishop Charles... Read more


Collection for Catholics in post-Communist countries to take place Ash Wednesday

Jan 29, 2008

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has announced that the 2008 Collection for the Church in Central and... Read more


New MRSA strain afflicting homosexuals faces political correctness whitewash, group claims

Jan 29, 2008

Some conservative groups are alleging that news of a microbe resistant to multiple drugs and found disproportionately among homosexual men... Read more


Michigan group plans new Catholic college

Jan 28, 2008

Organizers with the Cardinal Newman Liberal Arts Project believe they have found a good location for a new Catholic college... Read more


Author explains how the Democratic party became liberalized

Jan 28, 2008

In an interview with CNA, Mark Stricherz, the author of the book “Why the Democrats are Blue: How Secular Liberals... Read more