Latest Catholic News


Population Research Institute denounces new strategy to spread abortion in Latin America

Sep 5, 2007

In its new bulletin in Spanish, the Population Research Institute will unmask a new strategy by pro-abortion forces to change... Read more


Benedict XVI to meet with Saudi Arabia Chancellor and President of Israel on Thursday

Sep 5, 2007

This Thursday Pope Benedict XVI will meet in separate audiences with the Chancellor of Saudi Arabia, Prince Saud Al-Faisal Bin... Read more

The goal of man is to become like God, but this is a life-long journey—Pope Benedict XVI

Sep 5, 2007

This morning, the Pope traveled by helicopter from his summer residence at Castel Gandolfo to the Vatican, where he landed... Read more

The hit movie In the Name of God

Film made to 'reform fundamentalists', says Muslim filmmaker

Sep 5, 2007

The writer and director of a controversial Pakistani film, currently screening at the Venice Film Festival, said he hopes his... Read more


Benedict XVI stresses need to protect Creation again

Sep 5, 2007

This past weekend, Pope Benedict spoke out in defense of the environment at the “Saving Creation Day” in Loreto, Italy.... Read more


Diocese of Bamberg celebrates 1000th anniversary, honors Pope with concert

Sep 5, 2007

Yesterday evening, Pope Benedict XVI was treated to a concert performed by the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra for celebrations marking the... Read more


Cardinal Bergoglio slams those “who think they own life”

Sep 4, 2007

During a Mass on the feast of St. Raymond Nonnatus, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, slammed those... Read more


Chilean senate to vote on bill that would legalize homosexual unions

Sep 4, 2007

The organization Muevete Chile has launched a campaign to persuade the Chilean Senate not to approve an anti-discrimination bill that... Read more


Our Church “without borders” is called to welcome the immigrant, says Guatemalan bishop

Sep 4, 2007

The head of Migrant Ministry of the Bishops’ Conference of Guatemala, Bishop Rodolfo Bobadilla Mata, said this week that immigration... Read more


Educational programs pushing anthropology without God, denounces Spanish cardinal

Sep 4, 2007

The archbishop of Toledo, Cardinal Antonio Canizares, denounced educational programs in the country that aim for “the disappearance of man,... Read more


Christian Liberation Movement calls for electoral laws allowing Cubans “to elect and be elected”

Sep 4, 2007

The president of the Christian Liberation Movement, Oswaldo Paya, said a letter has been sent to the Cuban National Congress... Read more


Catholic Familyland to host 20th annual family conference

Sep 4, 2007

Catholic Familyland, the 950- acre center in Southeastern Ohio, will host its 20th annual international "Totus Tuus Consecrate Them in... Read more


Venezuelan priest fears government interference in Catholic schools will lead to civil war

Sep 4, 2007

The Venezuelan government is increasingly interfering with Catholic education, leading to divisions across the country and possibly paving the road... Read more


Church attributed with development of Sri Lankan film industry

Sep 4, 2007

An award-winning Sri Lankan filmmaker credits the Catholic Church’s media initiatives with having developed and improved the country’s film industry. Read more


Notre Dame to offer Latin Mass in the fall

Sep 4, 2007

The University of Notre Dame has announced it will offer the Mass in its extraordinary form, that is in Latin,... Read more

Archbishop Vincent Nichols

Archbishop Nichols calls for liturgical renewal based on 1962 Latin Mass; Rome pays attention

Sep 4, 2007

Archbishop Vincent Nichols has enthusiastically endorsed Pope Benedict XVI’s motu proprio concerning the renewal of the 1962 Latin Mass. In... Read more

Rabbi Yerachmiel Seplowitz comments on Pope Benedict's motu proprio

Rabbi praises Pope Benedict for his clear teaching

Sep 4, 2007

A rabbi from Monsey, New York, has lauded Pope Benedict XVI for reinstating the Latin Mass and affirming that only... Read more


Coffee shop owner to become consecrated virgin

Sep 3, 2007

A 41-year-old coffee shop owner in Waukesha, Wisconsin, has decided to take vows as a consecrated virgin.  Read more


Spain must increase aid for families with children, says institute

Sep 3, 2007

After comparing the amount of aid the different European nations provide to families with children, the Institute for Family Policy... Read more

The Gendarme of the Vatican

Member of Vatican police force dies in apparent suicide attempt

Sep 3, 2007

This morning the Vatican woke up to the sad news that a member of its police force, Alessandro Benedetti, aged... Read more