Latest Catholic News

Right to life must be defended as fundamental, Pope says over weekend

Feb 26, 2007

Receiving delegates of the 13th general assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and an international congress entitled "Christian conscience... Read more

Film on 'Jesus family burial site' is just PR, says archeology expert

Feb 26, 2007

An Israeli archeologist says a new documentary film, which claims that a burial cave uncovered 27 years ago in Talpiot,... Read more

Look upon the crucified Christ, Pope Benedict encourages

Feb 25, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI used his first Sunday Angelus address of the Lenten Season to discuss this year's Lenten theme. Chosen... Read more

Experts claim former Paraguayan bishop is in state of rebellion and running an unconstitutional campaign

Feb 23, 2007

Experts in Canon Law consulted by CNA – including some from Paraguay who preferred to remain anonymous - have confirmed... Read more


Ash Wednesday Mass interrupted by obscene recordings

Feb 23, 2007

The Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, New Mexico was evacuated during noon Mass on Ash Wednesday,... Read more


EU pressures pro-life countries to enact pro-abortion laws

Feb 23, 2007

Pro-lifers are claiming that the EU is putting pressure on countries to abandon their pro-life laws and to comply with... Read more


Fr. Pavone weighs in on South Dakota Senate's rejection of abortion ban

Feb 23, 2007

Attaining the “goal of justice” has to be a top priority for all legislators, said a national pro-life leader in... Read more


Calif. Supreme Court rules to preserve Mt. Soledad cross, publish court decision

Feb 23, 2007

The California Supreme Court on Wednesday affirmed the precedent-setting decision of a lower court, which upheld the right of the... Read more


State cannot do without Church’s social work, says Spanish archbishop

Feb 23, 2007

In his weekly pastoral letter, Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia said the collaboration between the Church and the State in... Read more


Forgiveness comes naturally for someone with a converted heart, says Argentinean bishop

Feb 23, 2007

Bishop Marcelo Martorell of Puerto Iguazu said this week, “Jesus speaks to us of forgiveness, not as a heroic act... Read more


'Colonel Sanders' asks Pope for special sandwich blessing

Feb 23, 2007

The U.S. based Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) company, long known for its fast-food chicken is planning to sell fish for... Read more


Fr. Kolvenbach could remain at head of Jesuits

Feb 23, 2007

Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ, who was previously expected to step down as Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)... Read more

Pope Benedict emphasizes importance of new religious movements need for a balanced priestly life

Feb 23, 2007

During a meeting held yesterday morning in the Vatican with pastors of the diocese of Rome, the Holy Father answered... Read more

Cardinal Ruini: The teachings of Pope Benedict transmit the joy of being believers

Feb 22, 2007

At the beginning of Thursday morning’s meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the priests of the Diocese of Rome, a... Read more

Archbishop Raymond Roussin

Canadian cell provider reverses porn decision after Catholic protest

Feb 22, 2007

The second-largest phone company in Canada has reversed its earlier decision to begin selling pornography thought its mobile phone service... Read more


Messori reveals names of anti-Christian “lobbies”

Feb 22, 2007

In an interview with the Italian daily “La Stampa,” journalist and writer Vittorio Messori recently denounced the World Health Organization... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI encourages priests to offer new opportunites for Italian youth to discover God

Feb 22, 2007

This morning Pope Benedict XVI held his traditional meeting with the parish priests of Rome to celebrate the Feast of... Read more


Mission in Peruvian Andes concludes with 1000 baptisms

Feb 22, 2007

The “Great Mission” to the Peruvian province of Carabaya ended this week, with more than 140 missionaries participating under the... Read more


Pro-life group hails TIME report on pregnancy centers

Feb 22, 2007

Heartbeat International president Peggy Hartshorn has expressed her gratitude for a TIME magazine featuring the life-saving work of the country’s... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Trujillo to consecrate world’s families to the Sacred Heart

Feb 22, 2007

The president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, will consecrate the families of the world... Read more