Latest Catholic News


African American evangelization conference to empower youth, youth ministers

Jul 3, 2006

A Catholic conference for African Americans promises to equip and empower participants, especially youth and youth ministers, with what is... Read more


Priests must live their vocation 100 percent, says Slovakian bishop

Jul 3, 2006

Priests must be more fully who they are, said Bishop Jan Babjak, the Byzantine Catholic bishop of Presov, East Slovakia.  Read more


Benedictine center abandons Catholic identity

Jul 3, 2006

The St. Benedict Center, a Benedictine ecumenical community in Madison for the past 40 years, has chosen to end its... Read more


Mexican bishops express confidence in electoral institutions amidst disputed results

Jul 3, 2006

The Bishops’ Conference of Mexico announced its complete confidence Monday in the country’s electoral institutions and expressed its hope that... Read more


Franciscan priest killed in Colombia

Jul 3, 2006

A Franciscan priest was killed this week in Colombia in the northern region of Magdalena.  Initial investigations indicate the 46... Read more


Pope to root for both Germany and Italy in World Cup match

Jul 3, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, Father Georg Gänswein, said this week with Germany and Italy playing each other in the... Read more


Argentinean bishop says families worldwide are lacking in love

Jul 3, 2006

Bishop Joaquin Piña of Puerto Iguazu, Argentina, said this week the World Meeting of Families in Valencia will shed light... Read more

Pope issues statement on Valencia subway tragedy

Jul 3, 2006

Benedict XVI has sent a telegram of condolence to Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco of Valencia, Spain, for the death of more... Read more


Vatican announces Pope’s summer schedule

Jul 3, 2006

The Vatican Information Service has released a brief schedule for the Holy Father’s vacation and summer residency.  Read more


Local archbishop finds that alleged Marian appartions are not supernatural

Jul 2, 2006

After three years of study of the devotion to “Our Lady of the Hill,” the Archdiocese of Salta has announced... Read more


Twenty Cuban families to attend World Meeting in Valencia

Jul 2, 2006

The twenty Cuban families that will arrive in Valencia to participate in the 5th World Meeting of Families constitute the... Read more


Cardinal calls for severe punishment following wave of deadly domestic violence

Jul 2, 2006

The Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, has called for the heaviest punishment possible for men... Read more


Ecuadorian bishops reject accusations of contributing to social unrest

Jul 2, 2006

In response to the violent ousting by police of hundreds of residents in the province of Los Rios, the bishops... Read more


Third priest attacked in Turkey this year

Jul 2, 2006

A man stabbed a Roman Catholic priest Sunday in the Black Sea port of Samsun in the third attack against... Read more


Monument to John Paul II unveiled in late pontiff’s hometown

Jul 2, 2006

A bronze statue of Pope John Paul II was unveiled in his hometown Friday.  Read more


Kenyan diocese opens Marian shrine

Jul 2, 2006

The Diocese of Marsabit in northeastern Kenya held a ceremony Sunday to officially open a shrine dedicated to the Virgin... Read more

Pope says adults must renew and transmit their faith to their families

Jul 2, 2006

Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI devoted the focus of his Angelus message to The Fifth World Meeting of Families, which will... Read more


Real commitment to peace needed in Iraq and the Holy Land, Benedict says

Jul 2, 2006

After praying the Angelus today with thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope spoke of the "growing... Read more


Abortion group tells Congress about plans to advance abortion in Latin America

Jul 2, 2006

On Thursday, the Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-abortion lobby and legal support group, held a briefing on Capitol Hill... Read more


Sterilization law in Argentina on track for approval

Jun 29, 2006

After seven hours of debate, Argentina’s House of Representatives approved a law legalizing sterilizations and vasectomies despite massive opposition from... Read more