Latest Catholic News


Bishop calls on Spaniards to unite with the Pope in defending the family

Jun 29, 2006

In a pastoral letter marking the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Bishop Jose Sanchez Gonzalez of Sigüenza-Guadalajara has called... Read more


Vatican analyst says Pope Benedict on verge of implementing real liturgical reform

Jun 29, 2006

Vatican analyst, Sandro Magister, of the online magazine “L’Espresso” says in an article to be published soon that Pope Benedict... Read more


Cuban leader says Church wants to serve, not impose Catholic doctrine

Jun 29, 2006

The director the magazine “Vitral,” Dagoberto Valdes, who is one of the most prominent lay Catholic leaders in Cuba, said... Read more

Pope considers benefits and challenges of globalization

Jun 29, 2006

This morning, Benedict XVI received the Letters of Credence of Mario Juan Bosco Cayota Zappettini, the new ambassador of Uruguay... Read more


Scientists using human embryos face excommunication

Jun 29, 2006

Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family, has said that "destroying human embryos is... Read more


Vatican calls for action against illicit trade of small arms

Jun 29, 2006

The Holy See once again reiterated its position against the illicit trade of small arms, at a United Nations conference... Read more


Operation Rescue buys-out abortion clinic and sets up new headquarters

Jun 29, 2006

Operation Rescue has purchased the building that housed Central Women’s Services, an abortion clinic in Wichita. The building will be... Read more


Conversion case before Malaysian federal court

Jun 29, 2006

A woman in Malaysia made a final appeal yesterday before her country’s federal court to be free to convert from... Read more


Pius XI documents to be released by Vatican Secret Archives

Jun 29, 2006

Benedict XVI has decreed that as of September 18 - when the Vatican Secret Archives and other archives of the... Read more


A super savior? New ‘Superman’ film prompts strong religious emotions

Jun 28, 2006

Yesterday, the long awaited ‘Superman Returns’ movie hit theaters amid a strong buzz of religious interest. While many are praising... Read more


Parental notification initiative moves into hands of California voters

Jun 28, 2006

A new initiative requiring doctors who wish to perform an abortion on a minor to wait 48 hours after informing... Read more


Book allows easy access to papal history

Jun 28, 2006

A new dictionary delves into the remarkable 2000-year history of the papacy, providing a concise guide to all of the... Read more


New bill proposes to limit abortions in Canada

Jun 28, 2006

A new bill tabled in the Canadian Parliament last week proposes to limit abortion to 20 weeks gestation. Currently, there... Read more


Bishops slam proposal to sterilize poor in Argentina

Jun 28, 2006

The Bishops’ Conference of Argentina issued a statement this week expressing their complete rejection of a bill being debated in... Read more


Colombian archbishop optimistic about Marxist rebels’ openness to dialogue

Jun 28, 2006

The president of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro, termed “hopeful” the latest statements by the Armed... Read more

Ministry of Peter is united to the suffering of Christ

Jun 28, 2006

The Pope celebrated Mass today for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a feast on which Catholics traditionally remember... Read more


New Catholic high school makes college a reality for Kansas City’s low income residents

Jun 28, 2006

A new Catholic high school is making waves in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas--and providing a college preparatory education... Read more


Brazilian bishop seeks new means to evangelize youth

Jun 28, 2006

New ecclesial movements, Catholic media and renewed efforts in youth ministry are three means the Brazilian bishops have identified to... Read more


Pope welcomes Orthodox Delegation, declares intent to visit Turkey

Jun 28, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI received today a delegation from Bartholomew I, spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, who were sent... Read more


Defence against liberalism is a task of the Church, bishop says

Jun 27, 2006

According to Bishop Frantisek Tondra, Bishop of Spis (East Slovakia) the defence of Gospel values against an increasing influence of... Read more