Latest Catholic News

Human dignity is universal, inalienable, says Pope, must particularly be promoted by civil leaders

Nov 30, 2005

Earlier today, Pope Benedict met with members of the International Theological Commission, with whom he stressed the need to uphold... Read more


Vatican message for World Day against AIDS stresses 'pansexual culture that devalues sexuality'

Nov 30, 2005

The Vatican released today a message written by Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral... Read more


Reported miracle in France may pave the way for beatification of John Paul II

Nov 30, 2005

Several news agencies are reporting that the miracle required by Canon Law for the beatification of Pope John Paul II... Read more


Argentine bishop reiterates human sexuality’s link to love

Nov 30, 2005

“We value human sexuality as something very important, but we see it from the perspective of man.  WE believe sexuality... Read more


Catholic Bishops continue to call for end of Death penalty, in reaction to grace granted for 1000th Death penalty by Virginia Governor

Nov 30, 2005

Echoing the call earlier this week from Baltimore Archbishop Keeler, Most Reverend Stephen Blaire, Bishop of Stockton and President of... Read more


The Pope appoints Rev. George J. Rassas of the Archdiocese of Chicago to Auxiliary Bishop of the same diocese

Nov 30, 2005

Rev. George J. Rassas, a priest from the Archdiocese of Chicago since 1968, was appointed to auxiliary Bishop of his... Read more


Theology only has true meaning in communion with the Church, says Pope

Nov 30, 2005

In a meeting today with members of the International Theological Commission, Pope Benedict stressed the need for theologians to perform... Read more


Human dignity, personal encounter with God, are themes of Pope’s December prayer intentions

Nov 30, 2005

Today the Vatican announced Pope Benedict's prayer and mission intentions for the month of December. Both find their roots in... Read more


U.S Bishops express approval of new document on seminarians and homosexuality

Nov 29, 2005

American Bishops openly welcomed the final release of the document from the Congregation of Catholic Education on the admittance of... Read more


Life Decision will release new edition of corporation to boycott for their support of Abortion

Nov 29, 2005

Life Decisions International (LDI), a group dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda... Read more


Fifty babies a year are alive after abortion, shows extreme and cruel situation abortion leads to

Nov 29, 2005

An article in the Sunday Times this past Sunday, highlighted a crucial problem regarding late-term abortions and their deep moral... Read more


Chinese authorities detain seven priests

Nov 29, 2005

The Cardinal Kung Foundation reported this week that on November 18, Chinese police officials arrested seven priests of the Diocese... Read more


Mexican bishop reiterates Church’s commitment to encourage voting

Nov 29, 2005

Bishop Onesimo Cepeda of Ecatepec, Mexico, said this week the Catholic Church is committed to encouraging Mexicans to participate in... Read more


Church in Brazil begins Advent with evangelization campaign

Nov 29, 2005

Cardinal Geraldo Majella Agnelo, Archbishop of Sao Salvador de Bahia and President of the Bishops’ Conference of Brazil, inaugurated the... Read more

Church waits for Christ during Advent just as Israel waited for freedom from slavery in Old Testament, says Pope

Nov 29, 2005

Earlier today before a crowd of over 23,000, Pope Benedict said that the theme of slavery, found in many of... Read more


Pope Benedict vows his support for AIDS sufferers

Nov 29, 2005

Following his general audience today, Pope Benedict offered his own support, and the Church’s, in dealing with the worldwide scourge... Read more


Pope Benedict committed to strengthening charity, solidarity and theological dialogue with Eastern Church

Nov 29, 2005

As the Eastern Orthodox Church today celebrates the Feast of its patron St. Andrew, Pope Benedict took the opportunity to... Read more


Vatican condemns violence against religious in China

Nov 29, 2005

Earlier this morning, Vatican Press Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls expressed the Holy See’s “firm condemnation” of reported violence against groups of... Read more


Expert says terrorism in France stems from secularism, the crisis of the family and moral bankruptcy

Nov 29, 2005

In an interview with the Alba weekly in Spain, international terrorism expert Maria Angeles Muñoz said “the fiercely secular state... Read more


Defiant Michigan family wins fight to keep front yard Nativity scene

Nov 29, 2005

The defiance of a suburban Michigan family, along with the support of friends and neighbors means that the Nativity scene... Read more