Latest Catholic News

Vatican officially releases instruction on homosexuals in seminaries

Nov 28, 2005

Today, the Vatican officially released its hotly debated new document regarding the admission of homosexuals to the priesthood. An Italian... Read more


Pope decrees Plenary Indulgence for Feast of Immaculate Conception

Nov 28, 2005

In a decree released today, Pope Benedict has announced that the Church will grant a Plenary Indulgence for the upcoming... Read more


Illinois Bishop permits lay-led Sunday ‘celebrations’ in cases of emergency

Nov 28, 2005

Because of a growing priest shortage in his diocese, Bishop Edward Braxton of Belleville Illinois has announced that lay ministers... Read more


Cardinal Keeler appeals MD governor to stop scheduled execution

Nov 28, 2005

Baltimore’s Cardinal William Keeler turned heads yesterday when he visited convicted murderer, Wesley Eugene Baker, and called on Maryland’s governor... Read more


Vatican ordains first priests in Vietnam

Nov 28, 2005

57 priests were ordained today in Viet Nam, in a move towards more religious freedom, in strongly secularized and officialy atheist country.  Read more


Missouri Bishops speak out against embryonic stem cell research

Nov 28, 2005

The issue of embryonic stem cell research has reached Missouri's Catholic churches. Sunday, parishioners were told not to support this... Read more


Expert calls on movie industry to promote true value of women

Nov 28, 2005

During the II International Symposium on Education and Film, held in Valencia, Spain, the former director of the Interdisciplinary Group... Read more


Martyrdom inseparable from authentic Christianity, says Mexican bishop

Nov 28, 2005

During a veneration ceremony of the martyrs of Leon, who were beatified last week in Mexico, Bishop Jose Guadalupe Martin... Read more


Pope to Polish Bishops: urgent need for Christian education, especially for the young

Nov 27, 2005

The Holy Father said that he was “aware that economic difficulties, consistently high levels of unemployment, and concern over guaranteeing... Read more


Vatican representative urges U.N. to guarantee food supplies for developing nations

Nov 27, 2005

Last week, Vatican representative, Msgr. Renato Volante urged members of the 33rd General United Nations Conference of the Food and... Read more

Jesus needs you to renew modern society, Pope tells Dutch youth

Nov 27, 2005

Earlier today, the Vatican released a message from Pope Benedict to Dutch participants of the first ever National Day of... Read more


Hope of Advent is pointed toward the future, but rooted in the past, says Pope

Nov 27, 2005

Before praying his weekly Angelus prayer with a large group of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square Sunday, Pope Benedict... Read more


Pope’s Advent message: God calls us to communion which is fully realized in Christ’s return

Nov 27, 2005

On Saturday evening in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI marked the first day of this year’s Advent season with... Read more


Pope calls for end to violence, suffering in Sudan

Nov 27, 2005

Earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI added his own voice to the cries of suffering rising from the violence-ridden African region... Read more


Cardinal to meet with Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church

Nov 27, 2005

Cardinal Renato Martino is scheduled to meet Tuesday with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. The prefect of the... Read more


Bishops lobby to protect workers in industrial relations laws

Nov 27, 2005

Australia’s Catholic bishops are hoping to influence the debate in Parliament about the proposed changes to the country’s industrial relations... Read more


Taiwanese president tells cardinal he hopes ties continue

Nov 27, 2005

Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian told a top Vatican official Friday that he hopes ties with the Holy See would continue... Read more


Bishops call on Chileans to recover authentic meaning of the family

Nov 27, 2005

The Bishops’ Conference of Chile concluded its Plenary Assembly last week with the publication of a pastoral letter entitled, “Marriage... Read more


Spanish bishops invite Pope Benedict to visit Spain in ‘06

Nov 27, 2005

During their fall assembly last week, the bishops of Spain issued a formal invitation to Pope Benedict XVI to visit... Read more


Guatemalan government to possibly veto new law legalizing abortion

Nov 27, 2005

Just days after Cardinal Rodolfo Quezada of Guatemala City warned of the dangers of a new family planning law that... Read more