Latest Catholic News


Paraguayan children take part in Great Walk of Love for children throughout the world

Aug 8, 2006

The members of Catholic group, Missionary Children, took part Monday in the Great Walk of Love in protest of the... Read more


Pro-life group denounces efforts by congresswoman to punish local judge

Aug 8, 2006

The organization Pro-Life Argentina has denounced calls by two pro-abortion lawmakers to sanction a lower court judge who ruled against... Read more


Cardinal Martinez reiterates Pope’s call for peace

Aug 8, 2006

The Camarlengo of the Supreme Pontiff, Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, said this week Pope Benedict XVI continues to urge a... Read more


Pilgrims ask John Paul II for prayers, touch water at base of his statue

Aug 8, 2006

Pilgrims visiting a newly erected statue of Pope John Paul II, in his hometown of Wadowice, have been taking a... Read more


“Women in White” march to demand release of political prisoners in Cuba

Aug 7, 2006

The “Women in White,” an association of wives and family members of political prisoners in Cuba, organized a public march... Read more


Church has commitment to proclaim the truth, says Peruvian cardinal

Aug 7, 2006

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima said this week the Church is committed to authentic truth, in spite of all... Read more


Martyrs remind us that Christ is a living and concrete person, Pope Benedict XVI says

Aug 7, 2006

–In a message sent to the participants of the International Catholic Action Forum taking place in Lugazi, Uganda, Pope Benedict... Read more


Brazilian conference reiterates family based upon marriage as the foundation of society

Aug 7, 2006

Hundreds of participants in a Brazilian conference titled, “Family and the Media: for the sake of a culture of life... Read more


Catholic publisher releases Church’s answer to ‘Purpose Driven Life’

Aug 7, 2006

Ignatius Press, a major Catholic publisher based in San Francisco has announced the launch of a new series--similar to the... Read more


Australian premier calls on churches to pray for rain

Aug 7, 2006

Last week, Peter Beattie, Premier for Queensland in Australia called on church leaders around the state to pray for much... Read more


Indian Supreme Court says police may arrest anyone accused of proselytization

Aug 7, 2006

The Supreme Court of India has issued a ruling which may have serious impact on religious freedom in the country,... Read more

To counter secular media, Catholic media should seek and transmit the truth, says Vatican official

Aug 7, 2006

Archbishop Angelo Amato, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) said in an interview, published this... Read more


Baghdad Bishop says people desperately need hope

Aug 7, 2006

Bishop Andreas Abouna, Auxiliary Bishop of Baghdad’s Chaldean Archdiocese, told the United Kingdom's branch of Aid to the Church in... Read more


Study indicates possiblity for clergy reintegration following sexual misconduct in Springfield, IL Diocese

Aug 6, 2006

A new report, issued by a special panel to the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, says priests who have engaged... Read more


Benedict: emerge from the darkness, be children of the light

Aug 6, 2006

Speaking from his summer residence at Castelgandolfo, Pope Benedict XVI focused his weekly Angelus address on the Feast of the... Read more

Pope: Peace is gift of God, work of mankind

Aug 6, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI renewed his call for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East and said that peace must be... Read more


Canadian bishops expect firm words from Pope during upcoming ‘ad limina’ visit

Aug 6, 2006

As Canada’s Catholic bishops prepare to travel to Rome next month for their regular “ad limina” visit with Pope Benedict... Read more


Cuban bishops pray for peace, protection for their country

Aug 6, 2006

In a statement which was written as Fidel Castro prepared for surgery and provisionally yielded power to his brother Raúl... Read more


Discharge for Cardinal George delayed by “bleeding episode”

Aug 6, 2006

The Archdiocese of Chicago said yesterday, that while Cardinal Francis George remains in stable condition, he has been held in... Read more


Oldest existing life-size crucifix to be used at papal Mass in Bavaria

Aug 6, 2006

The Cross of Enghausen, the oldest existing life-size crucifix in the world, will be used during the Mass celebrated by... Read more