Latest Catholic News


Colombian bishops praise restarting of negotiations between government and rebel leaders

Nov 22, 2005

Bishop Fabian Marulanda of Florencia and Secretary General of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia praised the decision by President Alvaro... Read more


Argentinean bishop says sins of omission are also sign of rejection of God

Nov 22, 2005

Bishop Jorge Luis Lona of San Luis, Argentina, said this week “the rejection of God is not only conveyed by... Read more


Canadian bishops head for Rome, celebrate with Jewish community

Nov 21, 2005

A delegation from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will be in Rome for its annual meeting with officials... Read more


Ethical guidelines needed for reproductive technologies, says bishop

Nov 21, 2005

Canada’s Assisted Human Reproduction Act must include protections for the human embryo as a person “entitled to the same fundamental... Read more


Catholic leaders warn of 'environmental refugees' scenario

Nov 21, 2005

A statement issued yesterday following the weekend's national climate change conference, calls for ecological conversion, warning that global warming could... Read more

U.S Bishops condemn attack on Christians in Pakistan

Nov 21, 2005

Mob attacks against Christian sites in Pakistan appear to be “an organized act of terrorism,” according to the chairman of... Read more


Growing Vietnam Catholic population receives new diocese, throng of new priests

Nov 21, 2005

Because of a recently-burgeoning Catholic population, Pope Benedict XVI has decided to erect a new diocese in the harshly communist... Read more


Holy See to celebrate 500 years under protection of Swiss Guard

Nov 21, 2005

The world’s oldest active military corps, the Pontifical Swiss Guard, will celebrate its 500th anniversary next year. Earlier today, Vatican... Read more


Some Catholic organizations struggling with post-hurricane donations

Nov 21, 2005

Following the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August and September, some Catholic organizations along the Gulf Coast are... Read more


Catholic League warns lawmakers against “Catholic” pro-abortion group at upcoming policy summit

Nov 21, 2005

Catholic League President Bill Donahue issued a stern warning to Catholic lawmakers attending the upcoming ‘Summit on the States,’ at... Read more


Bishops act in faithfulness to gospel, not in response to government, says head of Spanish Bishops’ Conference

Nov 21, 2005

The President of the Bishops’ Conference of Spain, Bishop Ricardo Blazquez, said this week the bishops carry out their pastoral... Read more


Liberal agendas, rather than common sense, driving world policies on sexuality

Nov 21, 2005

During the 7th Congress on Catholics and Public Life, which took place last weekend in Madrid, psychologist Patricia Martinez Peroni... Read more


Overcome violence with good, say bishops of El Salvador

Nov 21, 2005

In a pastoral letter the Bishops’ Conference of El Salvador has called on authorities and society at large to assume... Read more


Laity lacks formation to evangelize, Mexican bishop says

Nov 21, 2005

Auxiliary Bishop Gustavo Rodriguez Vega of Monterrey, Mexico, said this week the laity’s lack of formation has hindered their ability... Read more

Vatican document on homosexuals in the priesthood published by Italian news agency

Nov 21, 2005

The Italian news agency Adista has leaked the complete text of the long-awaited Instruction from the Congregation for Catholic Education... Read more

Pope warns against science that seeks autonomy from moral norms, individual human dignity

Nov 20, 2005

Over the weekend, Pope Benedict met with members of a Vatican conference on health care ministry, to whom, he urged;... Read more


Christ the King: center of humanity, civilization, says Pope

Nov 20, 2005

Christ’s role King of creation was the major theme of a brief address Pope Benedict gave to throngs of pilgrims... Read more


San Antonio archbishop says many Catholic politicians misunderstand their faith

Nov 20, 2005

During the I International Congress on Churches, the Lay State and Society, Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio, Texas said... Read more


Newly announced Mexican martyrs faced death to defend Christian faith, says Pope

Nov 20, 2005

Thirteen Mexican martyrs were beatified Sunday in Guadalajara, Mexico--the latest in a recent string of Saints-to-be, pronounced by the Holy... Read more


New pastoral norms for famous Assisi Basilicas

Nov 20, 2005

Pope Benedict has established new juridical norms for the famous Basilica of St. Francis, as well as the Basilica of... Read more