Latest Catholic News


Muslim Turks invite Pope to inter-religious symposium

Sep 6, 2005

Muslim organizers of an inter-religious symposium in Antioch, Turkey, have expressed their intention to invite Pope Benedict XVI to the... Read more


Catechism Compendium already best-seller in Spain

Sep 6, 2005

Weeks before it hits bookstores, the Spanish translation of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church has already... Read more


Bishops of Brazil call for serious political reform

Sep 6, 2005

In order to mark Brazil’s Independence Day on September 7, the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil is releasing a... Read more


Another Spanish judge questions constitutionality of gay “marriage”

Sep 6, 2005

A judge in the Spanish city of Burgos has questioned the constitutionality of a request by two lesbians to contract... Read more

Pope to Declare Five New Saints next October

Sep 5, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI is to declare five people saints next month as he will preside over his first saint-making ceremony,... Read more


Houston archbishop holds special mass for hurricane survivors

Sep 5, 2005

Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza issued a message of hope to hurricane survivors Sunday at a special mass and a service, urging... Read more


Christian unity is ‘urgent’, Pope tells ecumenical meeting

Sep 5, 2005

Full and visible unity among all of Christ’s disciples is “particularly urgent in our time”, and it calls for Christians... Read more


In the spirit of St. Benedict, small Kansas college opens doors to displaced Katrina students

Sep 5, 2005

The ancient Rule of St. Benedict stresses the idea of hospitality and charges its communities with the task of welcoming... Read more


Pope expresses condolences for Austrian cable car accident

Sep 5, 2005

Earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message expressing his condolences and prayers to Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Innsbruck, Austria... Read more


International Vatican conference to explore human genetics in light of the Word of God

Sep 5, 2005

The Holy See has announced that the twentieth international conference, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Heath Care Ministry, and... Read more


In aftermath of Katrina, Faithful try to find meaning in the wake of disaster

Sep 5, 2005

Amid the ruin and devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, faith still abounds and faith communities work to offer comfort and... Read more


Sex meant for marriage, German cardinal says

Sep 5, 2005

In an interview with the German magazine Neuen Bildpost, the Archbishop of Berlin, Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, said that despite widespread... Read more


Court stops distribution of abortion pill in Peru

Sep 5, 2005

A non-governmental organization in Lima has secured a court injunction against the Peruvian government over the distribution of the morning-after... Read more


King of Spain invites Pope to visit in 2006

Sep 5, 2005

On Monday King Juan Carlos I of Spain invited Pope Benedict to visit his country to participate in the World... Read more


Colombian bishop explains Church’s proposal for dialogue with rebel groups

Sep 5, 2005

In an interview with the Colombian daily El Tiempo, the President of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, Archbishop Luis Augusto... Read more


Cardinal Lopez Trujillo in Valencia preparing for World Meeting of Families

Sep 5, 2005

The President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, has arrived in Valencia, Spain, this week... Read more


British Cardinal urges Foreign Secretary on protection for Christians in Iraq

Sep 5, 2005

Catholic Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Catholic Church in England, vowed for a increased protection of Christians in Iraq. Read more

Pope calls on worldwide Church to participate in preparatory process for Bishop's Synod

Sep 4, 2005

On Sunday, during his noontime Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict XVI challenged Catholic faithful to participate in the preparatory phase of... Read more


Bush nominates Catholic Roberts to succeed Rehnquist as Chief Justice

Sep 4, 2005

In a move some watchers had been anticipating, and many pro-life groups had been hoping for, President George Bush this... Read more


Pope Benedict: John Paul's final months 'likened him ever more to the suffering Christ’

Sep 4, 2005

At the outset of Sunday's Angelus prayer at his summer residence of Castelgandolfo, and as the Church prepares to conclude... Read more